Telemedicine Software Development Services

We help medical facilities and healthcare startups develop HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software solutions that allow patients to get the most out of telemedicine.

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A Trusted Telemedicine Software Development Company

We are a telemedicine app development company specializing in custom telemedicine apps.  Telemedicine uses technology to deliver healthcare remotely, offering patients convenient access to doctors through their phones or computers.

Our telemedicine app developers build secure and scalable solutions that empower patients and medical facilities.  We prioritize user security by adhering to HIPAA compliance standards and creating robust data encryption.  We build apps with scalability in mind, allowing them to grow alongside your practice and accommodate increasing patient volumes.

Telemedicine Software Development Services 1

Telemedicine Solutions We Develop


Our healthcare telemedicine solutions are designed to accommodate growing user bases and adapt to evolving industry needs, so your platform can scale seamlessly as your business expands.

Holistic & Integrated

We develop comprehensive telemedicine solutions compatible with various devices and operating systems, enabling a unified and consistent user experience across platforms.


Our telemedicine solutions strictly adhere to industry-standard security practices and relevant data protection regulations, safeguarding patient information and maintaining the highest levels of compliance.


We prioritize creating a positive user experience for healthcare providers and patients, driving high satisfaction levels, and fostering word-of-mouth referrals through intuitive design and seamless functionality.

Bring Competitive Advantage

Our thorough research and discovery process helps you identify and develop unique features and capabilities that set your telemedicine platform apart, giving you a distinct edge in the market.

Boost Brand Reputation

As a trusted and reliable provider of cutting-edge healthcare technologies, we strengthen your position as an industry leader. We enhance your brand’s reputation by delivering secure, user-friendly, and innovative telemedicine solutions.

Start with a Project Discovery Phase to Optimize Your Telemedicine App Development

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Features of Telemedicine Software

E-prescription Functionality

Allows healthcare providers to electronically send patient prescriptions to pharmacies, improving convenience, reducing errors, and ensuring patients can access their needed medications quickly.

Secure Payment Gateway

Integrates a secure payment system into telemedicine software, enabling patients to conveniently and safely pay for virtual care services through the platform, streamlining the billing experience.


Offers an intuitive scheduling interface in telemedicine software, allowing patients to view provider availability, select appointment times, and book virtual consultations easily.

Integration with EHR

Seamlessly connects the telemedicine platform with existing EHRs, allowing providers to access critical patient data and medical history during virtual visits for informed, personalized care.

Video/Voice Conferencing

Facilitates high-quality, HIPAA-compliant video and voice consultations between patients and providers, replicating in-person appointments with the convenience of remote care.

Text Messaging

Enables secure, real-time text communication between patients and providers through telemedicine software, supporting quick check-ins, follow-ups, and ongoing care coordination.

Doctor Catalog

Provides a directory of healthcare providers on the telemedicine platform, allowing patients to browse qualifications, read reviews, and select the right doctor to meet their medical needs.

Education Hub

Integrates an educational resource center into telemedicine software, giving patients access to content, videos, and materials to understand their conditions and make informed treatment decisions.

Insurance Verification

Streamlines the insurance verification process within the telemedicine platform, automatically checking patient coverage to simplify the billing workflow and ensure seamless reimbursement.


Leverages connected devices and remote monitoring to track patient health data, such as vital signs, enabling providers to observe condition progress, identify issues, and intervene proactively.

How We Develop Telemedicine Platforms

As a leading telemedicine app development company, Empeek follows a comprehensive and structured approach to building innovative, user-centric telemedicine platforms. Our proven methodology ensures your solution meets the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Discovery Phase

We conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand your requirements, target audience, and industry regulations. Our team then prioritizes vital features and functionalities to create a roadmap for the telemedicine platform.


Next, we select the optimal technology stack, assemble a dedicated team of experts, and develop a detailed timeline for the project. We also review the proposed features to ensure they comply with the healthcare standards and guidelines.

Development & Integration

Our skilled developers leverage the latest tools and frameworks to build the telemedicine platform and seamlessly integrate it with your healthcare infrastructure, systems, and databases.

Testing & Validation

Our quality assurance team conducts comprehensive checks to identify and address functional issues, usability problems, or security vulnerabilities. This way, you are confident that the platform is robust and ready for launch.

App Launch

We deploy the telemedicine platform, collaborating closely with your team to guarantee a smooth rollout. Our team also provides comprehensive training to your staff to ensure they are fully equipped to use the platform’s functionality.

Platform Optimization

Even after the initial launch, our team continues to monitor the platform’s performance, gather user feedback, and implement updates to enhance the overall user experience and functionality.

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Advantages of Telemedicine Software Solutions

Telehealth is a cost-effective way to make medicine more accessible for people all over the globe. Clinics are just a few clicks away from helping their patients. Learn the main advantages of the Telehealth Industry.

Time Efficiency

The development of telemedicine software reduces the waiting time for patients and connects them with medical personnel via video calling.

Comfort Time Picking

Telehealth software systems allow patients to pick the most suitable visit time and conduct it from the comfort of their homes.

Better Health Outcomes

With instant consultation and quick treatment, patients can soothe the pain faster and have more time for rest.

Fewer Last Minute Cancellations

With instant comfortable video visits, the risk of last-minute appointment cancellation is eliminated.

On-Click Video Calling

The development of telemedicine software simplifies doctor-patient communication allowing them to connect with one click.

One-Click Screen Share

Whether it’s a medical chart or prescription, patients and doctors can simply share the document by sharing a screen.

Comfortable Access to Medical Services

Telemedicine software helps patients get in touch with doctors from the comfort of their homes. It allows physicians to allocate more time for treating critical patients.

Early Symptom Detection

Remote patient monitoring helps patients manage every point of the care cycle – from arising concerns to post-discharge recovery.

Increased Patient Engagement

Since Telemedicine allows patients to stay connected with doctors around the clock, they get better control over health. Time-to-time reminders help to follow the treatment plan.

Better Utilization of Medical Resources

Telemedicine is a good opportunity for healthcare providers to utilize medical resources more effectively.

Software Integration

Enrich your EHR system with new features. We provide software integration services and will merge your telehealth app with the existing EHR software.

Data Protection

The most important part of telehealth software development is data protection. We ensure that every bit of information is supported by XML, EDI, and HL7 data exchange standards.

A Big Number of Patients’ Visits Can Be Easily Handled Online. Telemedicine is Here to Help.

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HIPAA-compliant Collaboration Platform For Mental Health Treatment

ACT teams serve challenging populations using paper records and texting as EMRs don’t fit their real-time community care needs.

VelloHealth offers a tailored platform to enhance ACT team safety, finances, compliance, and EMR integration through optimized mobile workflows.

Explore the Project
UI/UX for Digital Mental Health Solution, desktop and mobile


Science-based Program That Helps People to Improve Mental Wellbeing

Moodlifters is a science-based program that helps people improve mental wellbeing through surveys, doctor appointments, habit tracking, and rewards on its mobile apps and EHR system; thousands use Moodlifters alongside therapy to reduce stress and anxiety and build healthy habits.

Explore the Project
mobile UI for digital mental health solution
iso 2-1
iso 1-1

What Clients Say

I am most impressed with the high quality of design and development, which is really important to us.  They have designed the product to be extensible, with a solid base and architectural backend to allow for product implementation and design scaling. Also, the product hasn’t been buggy at all, so we can support it without difficulty.

As an ongoing partner, they continue to dedicate a communicative, highly skilled team that meets deadlines and stays on budget.

Nathaniel Weiss, CEO at VelloHealth

We were building an MVP that will eventually serve as a full personal health record (PHR) solutions platform. The quality of their work was excellent. They’re a very smart, informed company that understands how to create a functionally-sound platform. They provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, which is very helpful as well. I enjoyed working with them. 

Jessica Blanding, Owner at Text and Online Counseling

Grow Your Healthcare Practice With Custom Telemedicine App

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Why Choose Empeek As Your Telemedicine App Development Partner

Empeek is an advanced software development company specializing in top-tier telemedicine software development services. Our expertise lies in crafting cutting-edge telehealth products that revolutionize medical care delivery.

Healthcare Industry Expertise

With extensive experience in the healthcare sector, we understand the unique requirements and regulations governing telemedicine solutions. This deep understanding allows us to develop innovative products tailored to your needs.

ISO-Certified Quality Management

Empeek is ISO 9001:2015 certified, ensuring our software development processes adhere to the highest quality standards. You can trust that we build your telemedicine solution with meticulous attention to detail and a focus on continuous improvement.

Emphasis on Security

Safeguarding patient data is of paramount importance. Empeek holds the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, demonstrating our commitment to implementing robust security measures and compliance with industry best practices.

Telemedicine App Developers

Our team of skilled telemedicine solutions developers leverages industry-proven technologies to bring your vision to life. We collaborate closely with you from concept to deployment to create intuitive, user-friendly, and feature-rich telemedicine solutions that drive measurable results.





empeek team with founders Alex and Roman

Cooperation Models For Telemedicine Software Development Services

Time and Materials Model

In this model, the client pays for the actual time and resources spent by the development team on the project. This approach provides flexibility to adjust the scope and scale of the project as needed.

Dedicated Team

Empeek assigns a dedicated team of telemedicine experts to work solely on the client’s project. This model ensures continuity, deep domain knowledge, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing requirements.

Project-Based Pricing

Empeek provides a fixed-price quote for the entire telemedicine software development project upfront with this model. This approach offers cost predictability and clearly defined deliverables for the client.

Cost of Telemedicine Software App Development

The cost of HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software development services depends on various factors. If the solution is complicated, it may vary from $ 50 000 to $ 100 000 or higher. Asking for the quote of custom telemedicine software development services, take into account the following factors.


The number and complexity of required features directly influence the final cost. The more sophisticated the telemedicine software you need, the higher the price is.


The experts of an experienced telemedicine software company will advise you on the most suitable technologies to use in your direct case.


The number of integrations influences the price for telehealth software development services. However, automation streamlines the treatment process, and this investment will bring better outcomes.

Development Team

The number of experts engaged in the project development and their seniority level also influences the project’s costs.

Healthcare Solutions We Develop

RPM Development

Remote patient monitoring software allows healthcare providers to monitor patient health outside clinics, enabling better chronic disease management, emergency response times, and access for homebound patients while reducing costs.

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Healthcare IoT

Empeek provides custom IoT solutions for care providers, healthcare organizations, and medical device manufacturers. We assemble dedicated teams to quickly develop and launch products and use advanced software and data analysis for medical devices.

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Custom EHR/EMR

Empeek delivers customized electronic health records systems tailored to healthcare providers’ exact needs, allowing flexibility and cost savings compared to broad third-party solutions.

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mHealth App Development

mHealth mobile applications integrate technology and healthcare. It connects patients and doctors to enable efficient communication, quick health data access, disease monitoring, and an improved patient experience regarding time, efficiency, and quality of care.

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Software for Medical Devices

Empeek develops software specifically for medical devices that ensures seamless data collection, analysis, and integration with your existing systems, empowering you to leverage the full potential of your medical equipment.

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Patient Engagement Solutions

Our patient engagement solutions provide patients with convenient access to health information, appointment scheduling tools, and educational resources, fostering communication and promoting better health outcomes.

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Our Telemedicine Software Development Tech Stack

Cloud hosting
google cloud11
Microsoft SQL Server
Build Server
azure devops


How much does it cost to create telemedicine software?

The cost varies significantly depending on the complexity of the software, desired features, platform, development team location, and other specific requirements.During the Project Discovery phase we collaborate closely with all the stakeholders, and after its completion, we are able to provide estimates.

What solutions are used in software development for telemedicine?

Telemedicine software development involves the use of various solutions, including:

  • Video conferencing platforms for real-time communication;
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems for managing patient records;
  • Mobile applications for appointment scheduling, communication, and health monitoring;
  • Remote patient monitoring solutions for collecting and transmitting patient health data;
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE) platforms for secure data sharing;
  • Data security and privacy measures to protect patient information.

These solutions enable remote healthcare services, communication, data management, and patient monitoring in telemedicine.

How long does it take you to build a telehealth app?

The time to build a telehealth app can vary depending on complexity, features, and team size. Generally, it can take a few months to a year or more. The process involves planning and requirements gathering, design and prototyping, development, testing, and deployment. Collaborating closely with a development team and maintaining effective communication is critical to ensure a realistic timeline for your telehealth app project.

What is a telemed platform?

Telemed platforms are the healthcare software that makes secure, HIPAA-compliant, and high-quality virtual medical consultations through videoconferencing possible. They serve as the infrastructure, services, and support systems that allow hospitals, clinics, and physicians to interact with patients remotely.

What is telehealth software?

Telehealth software is desktop, mobile, or web-based platforms that enable the delivery of remote medical care. It allows physicians to treat patients regardless of location and physical constraints. Telehealth software usually includes audio calls, video conferencing, and in-app messaging features to simplify communication between the patient and the healthcare provider.

How do telemedicine software and devices work?

Telemedicine allows patients to receive medical care remotely without visiting a doctor’s office. It connects patients and healthcare providers through easy-to-use software platforms and devices.

These platforms can schedule appointments, video chat with their doctor, receive diagnoses and treatment plans, get electronic prescriptions, and handle billing and insurance. The software integrates medical tools to enable remote examinations and consultations, so a virtual visit is almost as comprehensive as an in-person appointment. The convenience and accessibility of telemedicine have proven particularly beneficial for managing specialized conditions that require ongoing care and monitoring.

How to select a trustful telemedicine software provider?

When choosing telemedicine software providers, you should ensure they are reliable and can be trusted to keep your patients’ information safe. The most important thing to check is the software’s security features. Make sure it has strong encryption to protect patient privacy. The provider must also follow all healthcare rules and regulations, like HIPAA.

What is the best telemedicine software?

There is no best option, as the optimal choice varies depending on a healthcare organization or provider’s specific needs and requirements. However, some well-known examples include, Mend, and AMC Health

What is the difference between telemedicine and telehealth?

Telehealth and telemedicine seem pretty similar. Yet, telehealth is the broader term that covers a wide range of healthcare services delivered remotely. This includes non-clinical services like patient education, administrative tasks, and remote monitoring. In turn, telemedicine refers explicitly to the remote delivery of clinical services, such as consultations, diagnoses, and treatment by medical professionals.

How does telehealth improve patient care?

Telehealth improves patient care by making healthcare more accessible. Patients can visit their doctor virtually, which is especially helpful for those who have trouble traveling to the clinic. Telehealth also allows doctors to closely monitor patients with chronic conditions and adjust treatment plans as needed. This continuous care and communication helps patients better manage their health. Telehealth makes it easier for patients to get the care they require when needed, leading to better outcomes.

Why is telemedicine important?

Telemedicine makes healthcare more accessible and convenient. With virtual visits, patients can see doctors without traveling to a clinic, which is especially helpful for older people and those in remote areas. Telemedicine also allows for ongoing monitoring and faster responses. So the patients get better management of their health conditions. Telemedicine brings quality care directly to patients, improving outcomes and making the healthcare system more patient-focused.

What are the benefits of telemedicine for doctors?

Doctors benefit from telemedicine in several ways. First, it makes virtual visits more efficient, allowing doctors to see more patients in less time. Second, doctors can also work remotely with patients from different locations. Additionally, telemedicine helps physicians provide better ongoing care, as they can easily monitor patients and adjust to treatment. Telemedicine makes doctors’ work more flexible and productive while improving patient outcomes.

What are the benefits of telemedicine for patients?

With virtual visits, patients don’t have to take time off work, find transportation, or sit in waiting rooms just to see their doctor. They can have appointments from their home using a computer or smartphone.

Telemedicine app development solutions also improve access to care, especially for people living in rural areas or those with mobility issues. Patients can consult with top specialists regardless of location. And because telemedicine appointments are more accessible, patients are more likely to seek care regularly, which can lead to better management of chronic conditions and overall healthier outcomes. Telemedicine transforms healthcare into more patient-centered by bringing quality medical care directly to patients.

How does telemedicine reduce costs?

Telemedicine helps cut costs in a few essential ways. First, it decreases the need for expensive in-person visits to the doctor’s office or hospital. It also reduces the expenses related to travel, time off work, and childcare that patients would typically incur for in-person appointments. Moreover, telemedicine helps better manage chronic conditions, which helps prevent costly emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Overall, the convenience and accessibility of virtual care make healthcare more cost-effective for patients and the healthcare system.

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Reliable Software delivery partner is closer than you think

  • HIPAA & GDPR compliance
  • 4.9 Rating on clutch
  • A winning tech stack
  • In-house team of versatile experts
  • Proven expertise in healthtech development

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