How to Develop a HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Platform

The telemedicine solutions market share is set to reach $559.52 billion in 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 25.5%. The pandemic crisis, healthcare accessibility issues, and the demand for safe and fast medical services are setting the stage for its growth. However, telemedicine app development has several nuances that companies must consider, including compliance with the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

In this guide, we’ll explain how telehealth and HIPAA rules intersect in the US. From government oversight by groups like HHS and the FCC to the nitty-gritty of HIPAA compliance, we’ll explore how healthcare providers protect patient data.

Join us as we explain key HIPAA and telehealth rules, learn how to build HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software, highlight common slip-ups, and offer tips for building secure telemedicine software. Whether you’re a doctor, tech pro, or just curious, this guide will help you understand why patient privacy matters in our digital world.

Governmental Bodies and Regulations That Oversee Telehealth Services in the US

Several federal and state governmental bodies regulate telehealth services in the US to ensure proper patient privacy, secure technology standards, and appropriate reimbursement policies. Let’s review the central bodies and regulations.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

HHS oversees various agencies and laws that impact telehealth. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sets requirements for telehealth reimbursement and coverage under federal healthcare programs like Medicare. The HHS Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules that telemedicine platforms must follow to protect patient health data. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provides grants and resources to promote telehealth adoption, especially in rural and underserved areas.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The FCC regulates interstate and international communications for telehealth technologies. This includes internet and broadband services required for video consultations, wireless spectrum utilized for mobile telehealth apps, and communications equipment standards for telehealth devices.


The 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act included several provisions to expand telehealth access during the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly. These provisions include waivers to allow Medicare reimbursement for more telehealth services, funding to strengthen healthcare organizations’ telehealth capabilities, and relaxed rules to enable more healthcare providers to furnish virtual care.

State Laws and Policies

In addition to federal regulations, each state enforces specific telehealth laws. These include telehealth practice standards and clinic/provider licensing, private payer telehealth reimbursement policies, and consent requirements for virtual care delivery.

HIPAA Guidelines for Telemedicine Platforms

Signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996, HIPAA law protects patients’ sensitive medical data by regulating its processing and exchange methods.

All medical HIPAA laws are mandatory, and HIPAA-covered entities are penalized for non-compliance. The fines for HIPAA infringements are no trifle and may reach up to $2.1 million or even be followed by criminal allegations. If you are developing a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform, you will need to consider a number of the essential HIPAA rules you can see on the picture below. Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with HIPAA-compliant payment processing.

How to Develop a HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Platform 1

The HIPAA Privacy Rule, Security Rule, Enforcement Rule, Breach Notification Rule, and Omnibus Rule are the five components of HIPAA that are mandatory to develop a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform. Let’s find out what are the HIPAA laws in more detail.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA Privacy Rule obliges all medical organizations to guard their clients’ personal health information (PHI) privacy. Telemedicine software HIPAA-compliant development firms use the concept of ePHI, which covers personal details and medical data transmitted and stored in the digital format. The statements of this rule are the following:

  • Healthcare clients should have full access to their PHI, which they are free to copy, change or update it;
  • An organization is obliged to respond to patients’ requests for changes and updates within 30 days;
  • If a healthcare provider intends to reveal patients’ PHI data to a third party, patients should give their consent under “Notices of Privacy Practices

Check out The US Department of Health and Human Services for more information about this and other HIPAA rules.

The HIPAA Security Rule

According to the HIPAA Security Rule, a digital system or an individual with access rights to patient data should be responsible for its security. Medical service providers must implement all the safeguards necessary to protect PHI. These safeguards fall into three categories:

  • Technical. Patients’ data stored in electronic systems must be encrypted according to the NIST standards.
  • Physical. Covered entities must limit physical access to data center, cloud, or server.
  • Administrative. Companies should introduce procedures aimed at following HIPAA privacy and security standards. In particular, organizations should hire or train Privacy and Security Officers to ensure adherence to HIPAA standards.

Healthcare providers are subject to regular Office of Civil Rights (OCR) audits to assess risk and identify security hazards.

The HIPAA Enforcement Rule

This rule defines the size of fines and compensations that medical companies will have to pay in case their clients’ data gets revealed or stolen. The penalties vary from $100 to $50,000 per violation depending on how serious the violation is, how timely it was resolved, and whether it was done with intent. A detailed overview of compensation policies is provided later in the article.

The violations of HIPAA rules may result in criminal charges if a patient decides to sue a company for inflicted damage. Therefore, it is crucial to consider and comply with all the established policies.

The Breach Notification Rule

The Breach Notification Rule explains the procedure that needs to be followed during data leakage. Per this rule, patients should be the first to know in case of data leakage. Next, the organization must inform the Department of Health and Human Services. The notice should contain the following info:

  • The type of data exposed
  • The individual who unrightfully accessed PHI or to whom the data was revealed
  • The type of harm inflicted
  • The repercussions of a violation that were alleviated (if any)

The organization has 60 days to issue the breach notice and to inform patients about the precautions they should take to safeguard themselves from its outcomes. A covered entity must also reveal the situation to the media if a breach has negatively impacted more than 500 patients. If the privacy of less than 500 patients is affected, a healthcare company is obliged to inform an OCR portal.

Looking at the OCR’s data, many HIPAA breaches occur through email, surpassing other methods like network servers and electronic records. Of 163 incidents from January 2019 to May, 41% involved email.

While some breaches result from cyberattacks, others stem from lax email practices. HIPAA-compliant email requires access controls, authentication, audit trails, and encryption. Though not mandatory, encryption is crucial for securing data during transmission, with NIST recommending AES encryption.

 The Omnibus Rule

This rule reveals all the previously unmentioned details: new definitions, policies, and compliance procedures. It also extends the list of covered entities to include third parties who must comply with HIPAA.

The Omnibus Rule introduces the umbrella term ‘Business Associates’ for all parties that may access PHI while cooperating with a healthcare firm.

The five core aspects of the Omnibus rules include the following:

Challenges in Implementing HIPAA Rules in Telemedicine

As healthcare providers increasingly turn to remote options, ensuring the security and privacy of patient information becomes paramount. Let’s delve into the hurdles when building HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms.

How to Develop a HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Platform 2
Keeping Telehealth Sessions Safe

Cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving, necessitating continuous updates to maintain robust security protocols. Among the primary risks of telehealth meetings is the potential unauthorized access to video conferences or sensitive patient data. Implementing password protection, secure Wi-Fi networks, and encryption for both software and hardware is imperative to mitigate these risks.

Sharing Patient Information Safely

The transmission of sensitive patient information between healthcare providers poses another hurdle. While convenient, conventional methods like texting or private messaging may compromise HIPAA standards. Establishing strict communication protocols and educating patients on secure information transmission methods are vital to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Keeping Stored Data Secure

Patient data is vulnerable to security breaches through remote hacking or internal tampering. Healthcare professionals must employ stringent security measures, including regular software updates, employee training, and robust data management practices, to safeguard against data breaches.

Keeping Up with Privacy Laws

HIPAA serves as the cornerstone of patient privacy protection in the United States, but healthcare providers must remain vigilant of evolving data security regulations. Ongoing training and proactive compliance measures are essential to adapt to changing laws and regulations, ensuring comprehensive protection of patient information.

Adapting to New Technology

The dynamic nature of technology introduces opportunities and vulnerabilities in telemedicine platforms. Healthcare providers must stay updated on the latest hardware and software developments, ensuring proper implementation and integration with existing systems. Consultation with IT professionals may be necessary to optimize technology usage and enhance security measures.

The Most Typical HIPAA Infringements in Telemedicine

If you wonder how to start a telemedicine practice, learning from others’ experiences will help you avoid mistakes and shortcomings. For example, this infographic shows the most frequent extra measures that companies are taking to protect the privacy and integrity of their patients’ PHI.

Let’s now explore the examples of HIPAA violations in telemedicine platforms. 

2023 HIPAA Penalty Structure
Penalty TierCulpabilityMinimum Penalty per Violation – InflationAdjustedMax Penalty per Violation – Inflation AdjustedMaximum Penalty Per Year (cap) – Inflation Adjusted
Tier 1Lack of Knowledge$137$68,928$2,067,813
Tier 2Reasonable Cause$1,379$68,928$2,067,813
Tier 3Willful Neglect$13,785$68,928$2,067,813
Tier 4Willful Neglect (not corrected within 30 days)$68,928$2,067,813$2,067,813

EHR Breach

Electronic Health Records (EHR) contain all the sensitive data of healthcare clients, and are often subject to breaches. Failing to ensure a required level of network protection may result in unwanted exposure or loss of PHI during data processing. 

The solution may lie in running regular risk assessments and penetration tests and utilizing data encryption. However, Routine vulnerability scans will reveal loopholes in your network security before the breach occurs. For instance, in 2018, UnityPoint Health was fined $2.8 million for an EHR breach that exposed the data of 1.4 million patients due to insufficient risk analysis and risk management processes.

Sending PHI to the Wrong Patient/Contact

Errors may occur with no evil intent. Human error is a frequent cause of HIPAA breaches when users’ privacy gets accidentally infringed.

To eliminate the risk of error, recipient verification can be integrated into your telemedicine platform to ensure secure data transmission. Also, it is crucial to educate all employees about data protection principles.

A real-world example highlighting the importance of proper handling and disposal of PHI is the case of Joseph Beck, a former dentist from Kokomo, Indiana. Beck failed to ensure the secure destruction of patient records, resulting in a breach of PHI.

Beck had hired a data company to destroy the paper records of his former dental patients securely. However, instead of properly disposing of the records, someone discarded 63 boxes containing approximately 7,000 files with sensitive PHI in a nearby church’s recycling dumpster. An investigation revealed that the files had been left in the dumpster for at least a week, potentially exposing the personal information of thousands of individuals.

The discarded records contained a wide range of sensitive data, including names, addresses, phone numbers, medical diagnoses, X-rays, dental information, Social Security numbers, and credit card numbers.

While there was no evidence of identity theft resulting from this incident, Beck’s negligence in ensuring the proper disposal of PHI led to a $12,000 fine from the Indiana Attorney General’s Office for violating HIPAA regulations.


Unfortunately, ePHI is a frequent target of hacker attacks. Healthcare data has a special value since it has a long shelf-life and may be used to buy prescription drugs and sold at a high price on the dark web. Using firewall protection and AI-driven antiviral software may help detect suspicious activity and withstand hackers’ assaults. 

According to a recent report, a single healthcare record can fetch up to $1,000 on the black market, making it a lucrative target for cybercriminals. A notable example is the 2015 Anthem Inc. cyberattack, where hackers gained access to the personal information of nearly 79 million individuals, including names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and other sensitive data. This breach highlighted the vulnerability of healthcare organizations to sophisticated cyber attacks.

Using firewall protection and AI-driven antiviral software may help detect suspicious activity and withstand hackers’ assaults.

Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is malicious software that blocks files or an organization’s entire operating system, demanding either a monetary reward or full access to information. Ransomware attacks result in downtime, and the harm they inflict is financial and reputational.

Use reputable antivirus software with ransomware detection and removal capacities to eliminate vulnerabilities. An IBM report states that companies that have implemented security automation technology driven by AI and data analytics and technologies like virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) are less prone to ransomware and hacker attacks.

Malware Incident

Malicious software may harm, destroy, or reveal PHI. The impact of such incidents can be extremely negative and undermine patients’ trust in telemedicine. 

Expert antivirus and firewall protection will help you avoid malware contamination. Also, you should adopt rules and policies regulating your staff behavior online. Set your firewall to block pop-ups, limit file sharing, and discard unsolicited emails with attachments. 

Privacy violations are taking a heavy toll on healthcare providers’ budgets. A number of data breaches of an unprecedented scale has been witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Statista says the average cost of security violations has risen to $9.48 million in 2023.

However, these incidents may be minimal if you make telemedicine app HIPAA-compliant initially.

How to Develop a HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Software

Dealing with secure telemedicine app development involves taking all the necessary steps to make a telemedicine platform HIPAA-compliant. Here are some tips on setting you on the right track and developing a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.

How to Develop a HIPAA-Compliant Telemedicine Platform 3

Set Up Secure In-App Connection

A rule of thumb says: first and foremost, set up a secure connection. You can’t use Skype, Zoom, email, and other popular means of web communication for telemedicine, as they lack the necessary security features. For a secure solution, consider either building your secure in-app messaging or video-chat tools using end-to-end encryption or using a HIPAA-compliant solution by a third-party provider under a special security agreement (which typically comes at a fee). For example, telemedicine platforms like AmWell and Teladoc have built-in secure video conferencing and messaging features that meet HIPAA telehealth requirements.

Use Appropriate Data Storage

Your data and how you store it can enhance or weaken your app security. The main principle applies here: Do not store unnecessary or obsolete data that you no longer plan to use. Avoid storing data altogether unless you have to.

According to HIPAA guidelines, protected health information (PHI) should be retained for at least six years after the last date of service or encounter. Regularly deleting old files will free up the storage space and account for better data management. The correct workflow principles implemented in software on an architecture level can minimize unnecessary duplicates that can render your system vulnerable to hacker attacks.

Use Secure Data Encryption

Encryption is a cornerstone of medical data protection. Even if hackers capture sensitive personal data, they won’t be able to use it because a secure encryption mechanism renders it unreadable. The data should be encrypted during transmission, i.e. telemedicine video conferencing and message exchange. Also, it is always best to store data encrypted to reduce the theft risk. Major telemedicine companies like Amwell and use end-to-end encryption to protect data during transmission and storage.

Even though encryption requires additional infrastructure capacities and increased network workload during transmissions, ensuring the security of sensitive health data is worth the investment.

Admin Access Control

Set up clear data access policies indicating who and when may view, update, copy, or transmit patients’ data. Distinct user roles will reduce the number of app users with access to PHI to a reasonable minimum and help you avoid data breaches. Have an administrator manage and assign user roles. For example, in a telemedicine platform, administrators can restrict access to PHI only to healthcare providers, while patients can only view their medical records.

For instance, the admin creates user roles with varying PHI access levels, assigns roles to users based on job duties, defines PHI data access policies per role, monitors user activities via audit logs, manages emergency access overrides, terminates departed staff access, reviews/updates privileges periodically for compliance, and trains staff on proper PHI handling while restricting sensitive data access to minimum required.

User Authorization

Set up sophisticated user authentication routines to eliminate the possibility of unauthorized access. Have users confirm their identity by SMS and use complex passwords. You may also implement biometric authentication solutions recognizing the user’s voice, face, or fingerprint. 

A study found that a biometric patient ID system was accurate over 80% of the time. This could help stop patient mix-ups and medical identity theft. It also makes it easier for healthcare workers to identify patients without manually guessing or typing in data.

Authorization Monitoring

A log file containing instances of every successful or failed authorization attempt can help you detect suspicious activity in patients’ accounts. Blocking an account after several failed login attempts and having users confirm their identity may not appear user-friendly but will protect user accounts from hijacking.

Data Backup

Yes, you still have to back up some patients’ sensitive data, although it may contradict the Proper Storage principle. Have a security policy in place, indicating which of the patients’ information you may safely back up. Note that it is only safe to have duplicates of the least vulnerable data. According to HIPAA guidelines, backups of PHI should be encrypted and stored securely, with access limited to authorized personnel only.

Automatic Log Off

Forgetting to log off may allow hackers to access the user’s account. Have your telemedicine software log off automatically after some time of inactivity. For example, if a user remains idle for two minutes, the software automatically logs off, following best practices for securing healthcare applications.

Secure Documentation Management

A secure documentation management system will facilitate your document flow, help you manage user roles, and protect patients’ PHI from breaches and hijacks. It should include access controls, audit trails, and encryption to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive medical records.

Appointing Compliance, Privacy, and Security Officers

Having someone take individual responsibility for meeting HIPAA standards will maximize the efficiency of your security efforts. This is also a requirement of the federal HIPAA law and will help you ensure compliance. The designated HIPAA compliance officer should develop and implement policies and procedures to safeguard PHI and oversee regular risk assessments and employee training.

Personnel Training

Offer personnel training options for healthcare entities using your telemedicine platform. Educate their staff about the principles of secure data sharing, tips on how to avoid accidental disclosure, and best practices for handling PHI. Regular training is crucial for maintaining HIPAA compliance and preventing data breaches.

Regular Self-Audits

Running regular self-inspections will help you identify weak spots in your security protection before it’s too late and help you prepare for HIPAA audits. As surveys have revealed, the most difficult parts of preparing for audits are understanding the HIPAA requirements and ensuring the technology’s compliance. Learning from the industry’s best practices and staying at the forefront of all changes in healthcare security legislation is crucial to a successful HIPAA compliance program.

Our Experience of Developing HIPAA Compliant Telemedicine Software

At Empeek, we have acquired hands-on experience in implementing the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules.

By creating a HIPAA-compliant wireless medical monitoring system for our customers, we secure patients’ data and eliminate the risk of violation.

One of our latest projects is a cross-platform telehealth solution for Android and iOS, securely connecting patients and families with caregivers and physicians regardless of their physical location. The platform is packed with an extensive toolset enabling patients and doctors to hold remote consultations, schedule appointments, and much more.

Another project involved integrating EHR and telehealth when helping a US hospital reach more patients by replacing their legacy software with an end-to-end modern digital platform. The legacy system was desktop-based, and we had to upgrade the UI, user authentication, and workflow. We also automated routine processes like billing, appointment scheduling, and HIPAA-compliance activities.

We are also proud to share another project with you: the end-to-end development of a remote cardiac monitoring system. This involved developing a mobile cardiac telemetry system consisting of an ECG patch and a mobile app. The system is designed to monitor the cardiac health indicators of thousands of patients in real-time. Empeek developed a cloud-based solution with web and mobile applications, enabling real-time data processing, analysis, and transmission. The system tracks various cardiac health parameters, including ECG, heart rate, SpO2, temperature, and activity level. The project also involved consultation with FDA experts to ensure compliance with regulations.

mobile UI for digital mental health solution
HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform

And last but not least is the HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform for behavioral health. In this project, Empeek built an EHR system for behavioral health, along with iOS and Android mobile apps. The system helps patients reduce stress and anxiety by completing specially created surveys, setting up appointments with doctors, tracking weekly achievements, and receiving rewards. The solution includes a sophisticated questionnaire system, patient management, extended reporting, and gamification features. Empeek ensured the development of a HIPAA-compliant application to manage and store patients’ data securely.


In summary, HIPAA and telemedicine are crucial for keeping patient information safe. HIPAA rules set standards for protecting patient data in telehealth, and platforms need to follow these rules to keep electronic health information secure.

HIPAA-compliant platforms must adhere to rigorous standards outlined in the HIPAA Privacy Rule, Security Rule, Enforcement Rule, Breach Notification Rule, and Omnibus Rule. These regulations mandate robust protocols for data encryption, access control, and breach response, ensuring electronic protected health information protection in telemedicine settings.

Developing HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software necessitates a comprehensive approach encompassing secure communication, encryption, user authentication, and regular audits. By appointing compliance officers, providing staff training, and leveraging advanced technologies, healthcare providers can navigate challenges such as cybersecurity threats and evolving privacy laws.

Ultimately, prioritizing HIPAA compliance in telemedicine development is essential for fostering patient trust and enabling transformative healthcare delivery. By aligning with the principles of HIPAA and telemedicine, stakeholders can navigate regulatory complexities while advancing patient-centric care in the digital age.
At Empeek, we know what it takes to develop HIPAA-compliant platforms. We are ready to guide you through the intricacies of safeguarding patients’ sensitive data and offering a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software development solution. Schedule a talk with our development experts right now, and we will help you bring your telehealth app idea to life.


How do you make a telemedicine platform HIPAA-compliant?

  • Firstly, implement technical safeguards such as data encryption in transit and at rest, strong access controls, and secure transmission protocols. Ensure that physical safeguards are in place, such as secure data centers and restricted access to equipment. 
  • Establish administrative safeguards through privacy policies, data breach response plans, workforce training, and regular audits. 
  • Obtain Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) with third-party vendors with patient data access. 
  • Secure communication channels used for telemedicine, employ secure storage and backup measures, and regularly train staff on HIPAA compliance. 
  • Conduct audits and assessments to monitor security controls and establish incident response and reporting protocols.

Compliance with HIPAA requires ongoing effort and attention. Consulting legal and security experts with healthcare and HIPAA expertise is crucial to ensure adherence to regulations. By following these steps, healthcare providers can create a telemedicine platform that prioritizes patient privacy and data security, aligning with HIPAA requirements.

What is a HIPAA-compliant platform in telehealth?

To be HIPAA-compliant, a telehealth platform must implement technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to protect patient data. This includes encrypting data, ensuring secure authentication and access controls for users, conducting regular risk assessments and audits, and many more.

HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms prioritize patient privacy, confidentiality, and data security throughout telehealth, including video consultations, electronic health record (EHR) integration, secure messaging, and data storage.

What are the most typical HIPAA violations in telemedicine?

The most typical HIPAA violations are inadequate security measures, unauthorized access or disclosure of patient information, insufficient patient consent, insecure telecommunications, inadequate training and policies, improper disposal of PHI, and failure to conduct risk assessments. These violations can occur due to using unsecured communication channels, failing to obtain proper patient consent, neglecting to train staff on HIPAA compliance, or not conducting regular risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities.

What is the HIPAA law?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law passed in 1996. It outlines national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without consent or due cause. HIPAA applies to health plans, healthcare providers, and healthcare clearinghouses that conduct certain electronic healthcare transactions.

What are the components of HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act consists of five HIPAA components or rules:

  1. Privacy rule. Establishes standards for protecting individual health records and personal information.
  2. Security rule. Outlines administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for electronic protected health information (ePHI).
  3. Transactions and code sets rule. Requires standard formats for electronic health data interchange.
  4. Identifiers rule. Establishes unique identifiers for providers, health plans, and employers.
  5. Enforcement rule. Sets civil and criminal penalties for HIPAA violations.

What is the purpose of HIPAA?

The primary purpose of HIPAA is to assure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while still allowing the flow of information needed to promote high-quality healthcare and protect the public’s health and well-being.

What are HIPAA goals?

The HIPAA aims to:

  • Protect the privacy of individuals’ health information;
  • Provide individuals with control over disclosures of their health information;
  • Set boundaries on health data use and release;
  • Establish safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to protected health information;
  • Hold violators accountable through enforcement.

Are there any free telehealth platforms?

Mainly, HIPAA-compliant platforms require a paid subscription. Yet here is a list of HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms that offer some free trials or budget opportunities:

  • Free version for unlimited clinical video sessions;
  • Vsee. Limited free secure video messaging app;
  • Cisco Webex. Free basic video conferencing functionality.

What are the 3 major security safeguards in HIPAA?

The HIPAA Security Rule outlines three main categories of security safeguards:

  • Administrative safeguards. Policies, procedures, and workforce training to ensure HIPAA compliance;
  • Technical safeguards. Technologies to protect and control access to ePHI (e.g., access controls, audit trails, transmission security);
  • Physical safeguards. Protection of computer systems and patient data from environmental threats and unauthorized access. 

What are some examples of telemedicine security breaches?

Potential security breach scenarios related to telehealth range from video call hacking or eavesdropping due to lack of encryption to data theft if ePHI is stored insecurely in the cloud. Other risks include lost or stolen mobile devices with unencrypted telehealth apps, unauthorized access from improper user authentication controls, and HIPAA violations from improper settings on free video conferencing tools. Robust safeguards around access controls, data encryption, audit logging, and HIPAA-secure communications are critical to preventing these breaches.


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Alex Shpachuk Alex Shpachuk CEO
Alex Shpachuk is the owner and strategic partner of Empeek. His effective leadership and a visionary approach to the future of healthcare turned the company into a dynamic environment attracting the brightest minds with the common vision for product impact and service excellence. With over a decade of experience in software engineering and comprehensive knowledge of designing and deploying tailor-made solutions for healthcare providers, Alex channels his passion for software development and consulting into the written word.

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