Healthcare Integrations

Healthcare Integrations enable a unique blend of advanced technology and personalized care, setting new case service standards. Our team blend innovative technology with expert knowledge, creating a patient-focused healthcare experience.

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Integrated Care Solutions For Your Medical Practice

Integrated care solutions represent a revolutionary approach in modern medical practice, combining various aspects of patient care into a unified system. This integration spans from primary care to specialized treatments and mental health support, all under one coordinated framework. Utilizing technologies like electronic health records and telemedicine, these solutions enable efficient communication among medical professionals, enhancing the quality of care and improving patient outcomes. 

The significance of integrated healthcare solutions in today’s medical business is immense. They address the rising costs and complexities of patient needs by improving operational efficiency and patient satisfaction. For healthcare providers, this means informed decision-making with access to comprehensive patient data. For patients, it ensures more coordinated, personalized care. Importantly, these solutions also tackle healthcare accessibility and equity challenges, making quality care more reachable to remote and underserved communities.

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Major Healthcare Integration Expertise

In the healthcare reality, mastery of integration techniques is essential for optimizing operational efficiency, elevating the quality of patient care, and spearheading innovation.

HL7 and EDI X12 Integration

At Empeek, we specialize in integrating Health Level Seven (HL7) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) X12 standards into healthcare software systems. Our expertise ensures seamless and secure data exchange, vital for patient care. We focus on optimizing the HL7 framework to enhance communication between different healthcare systems, ensuring critical patient information and lab results are shared efficiently and securely. For EDI X12, we streamline administrative processes like billing, improving accuracy, reducing errors, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.


Recognizing the importance of interoperability in healthcare, our engineers develop solutions that enable effective data exchange and usage across diverse IT systems. Our focus is on creating systems where patient data is readily accessible, reducing errors, and improving patient outcomes. These solutions offer a unified view of patient health history, instrumental in managing chronic diseases and enhancing patient involvement in their healthcare journey.

Data Warehousing

Our team excels in creating data warehousing solutions for healthcare organizations, consolidating multiple data sources into a single, comprehensive repository. Our approach supports insightful patient care, operational efficiency, and innovative research. We help healthcare organizations in population health management and the development of personalized medicine strategies, identifying and targeting at-risk groups for effective interventions.

Clinical Information Systems (CIS)

We develop Clinical Information Systems (CIS) that integrate various aspects of patient care into one platform. We provide physicians with access to real-time data, enhancing decision-making, and care quality, as well as facilitating communication among medical teams. This is particularly crucial in complex care scenarios, where tailor-made systems help reduce medical errors and improve patient safety.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Empeek’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are tailored for healthcare, integrating various back-end office functions. We build solutions that offer real-time data and analytics for strategic decision-making, aiding healthcare leaders in identifying areas for improvement and aligning decisions with organizational goals and patient care standards.

Wearable Devices and Apps

We build solutions that provide continuous access to health data, essential for managing chronic conditions and contributing to a larger health data ecosystem. This integration offers invaluable insights for public health research and enhances patient autonomy in health management.

Telehealth Integration

Our healthcare development company has embraced the transformation brought by telehealth, especially post-COVID-19. We provide solutions for remote medical care, ranging from virtual consultations to remote monitoring, increasing healthcare accessibility and reducing the strain on healthcare facilities.

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Billing and Revenue Cycle Management

Our company builds solutions that streamline the billing process, enhance accuracy, and expedite payment collection. This automation significantly reduces administrative burdens and boosts patient satisfaction through efficient and transparent billing processes.

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Have Questions About How Integrated Healthcare Solutions Can Benefit Your Organization?

Contact us for more information and let our experts guide you through a seamless integration process.

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We Understand Your Pains

We recognize the unique challenges that healthcare providers face. Our focus is on identifying and addressing these pain points to ease your healthcare business processes.

Roadblocks of Legacy Systems

The challenges posed by legacy systems in healthcare are multifaceted, often leading to inefficiencies and limitations in service delivery. These outdated systems can be rigid and incompatible with newer technologies, creating significant roadblocks in data sharing and integration. This hampers the smooth flow of operations and poses risks to patient data security and compliance with current healthcare standards. Moreover, legacy systems frequently struggle to keep up with the growing demands of modern healthcare practices. Their inability to efficiently process large volumes of data or support advanced functionalities like telemedicine or real-time analytics can hinder your ability to make timely, informed decisions.

Slowed Down Processes

Slowed-down processes in the healthcare system can have far-reaching implications, from impacting patient outcomes to causing operational bottlenecks. Inefficient workflows, often exacerbated by inadequate technology or disjointed communication channels, lead to delays in patient care and can increase the likelihood of errors. This inefficiency affects the quality of service and places additional stress on healthcare professionals, potentially leading to burnout and impact mental health. Lengthy administrative processes, slow decision-making, and delayed access to critical patient information all contribute to a less efficient healthcare system.

Employees Frustration

Employee frustration in the healthcare sector often stems from a combination of high-stress environments and systemic inefficiencies. This frustration can be caused by factors such as overwhelming workloads, inadequate resources, or the need to navigate cumbersome, outdated systems that detract from patient care. The emotional toll of working in such conditions affects staff morale and leads to decreased job satisfaction and higher turnover rates. Moreover, frustration can lead to decreased attention to detail, communication breakdowns among physicians and team members, and a general decline in the standard of service they offer patients.

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Benefits of Achieving Healthcare Integration Balance

Achieving a balance in healthcare integration brings a multitude of benefits, transforming the way healthcare providers operate and deliver care.

Reduce Risk And Control Costs

Healthcare integration significantly reduces operational risks and helps control costs. By synchronizing different systems and processes, you can eliminate redundancies and inefficiencies, leading to cost savings. This integration also minimizes data errors or mismanagement risks, ensuring a more reliable and secure handling of patient information.

Addressed Compliance Issues

Effective integration in healthcare directly addresses compliance issues by ensuring that all systems and processes adhere to the latest regulations and standards. This covers safeguarding patient data privacy, adhering to billing protocols, and meeting care quality benchmarks. An integrated system automatically adjusts to legal changes, safeguarding providers from legal issues and penalties.

Standardized Internal Processes

Healthcare integration leads to the standardization of internal processes, which is critical for maintaining consistency and efficiency. Standardized processes guarantee that every department and team member adheres to the same protocols, thereby minimizing confusion and errors.

Integrated And Managed From One Place

Centralization simplifies management, saves time, and enhances the accessibility of information. Healthcare professionals can quickly access patient records, administrative data, and operational insights, leading to improved coordination of care. 

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Whom Do We Serve

Integrated Health Solutions are revolutionizing the medical field, melding diverse aspects of healthcare into a seamless, efficient, and patient-focused system. From behavioral to advanced health tech products, this approach is setting new standards in care delivery and operational efficiency. 

Behavioral Health and Mental Treatment Facilities

By combining electronic health records, telehealth services, and patient management systems, these facilities can provide patients with more coordinated and personalized care. This integration allows for better tracking of patient progress, more effective treatment plans, and improved communication among physicians, patients, and families. For patients, physicians, and families, it means more consistent and accessible care, vital for effective mental health treatment.

Integrations For Pharma

By linking research data, clinical trials, and patient feedback, pharmaceutical companies can accelerate drug development and tailor medications to specific patient needs. This integration ensures a more efficient pipeline from research to patient application, enhancing the effectiveness and safety of pharmaceutical products. It also allows for real-time monitoring of drug efficacy and patient outcomes, crucial for continuous improvement.

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Integrations For Laboratories

Laboratories benefit significantly from Integrated Health Solutions. By connecting lab systems with clinics, test results are rapidly and accurately communicated, aiding timely diagnoses and treatments. Integration also aids in data analysis for research, enabling laboratories to contribute to medical advancements more effectively. This seamless flow of information not only speeds up patient care but also enhances the reliability and accuracy of lab work.


Hospitals utilizing Integrated Health Solutions see a transformation in patient care and hospital management. By centralizing patient data, resource management, and treatment protocols, clinics can provide more efficient and cohesive care. This integration reduces errors, streamlines workflows, and improves patient outcomes. It also aids in resource allocation, ensuring that hospital services are used effectively and sustainably.

Health Tech Products and Care Practice

From wearable health devices to AI-driven diagnostics, integrating these technologies into care practices leads to more proactive and personalized patient care. They enable continuous health monitoring, early detection of health issues, and tailored treatment plans. This technological integration empowers patients in their recovery journey, making healthcare more accessible and responsive.

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Why Delegate Healthcare Integration to Empeek?

Choosing Empeek for your healthcare integration needs is a decision that brings unparalleled experience and commitment to your organization.

Healthcare Expertise 

Our resilience distinguishes us. This adaptability assures healthcare partners of our capability to navigate unforeseen challenges, ensuring project success and long-term stability.

Strive to Improve Processes

Empeek is not just about implementing solutions; we are dedicated to improving processes. Our approach goes beyond mere technical integration, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency and patient care.

Large QA and Testing Team

Quality Assurance is at the heart of Empeek’s service delivery. With a large team dedicated to QA and testing, we ensure that every solution deployed is robust, reliable, and meets the highest standards.

Speak Business Language

Our team excels in translating complex technical jargon into clear language. This ability to communicate effectively ensures that all stakeholders, regardless of their technical proficiency, are on the same page. This clarity in communication is crucial for successful project outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction.

Unified Effort

At Empeek, teamwork is a fundamental principle. We strive to operate as a unified team, ensuring that every project we create and work on benefits from a collaborative effort. This team synergy is reflected in our work, resulting in solutions that are well-coordinated, thoroughly thought-out, and efficiently executed.

Strength in Adversity 

Our resilience in the face of challenges sets us apart. This adaptability means that healthcare organizations partnering with us can be confident in our ability to handle unexpected challenges and pivot as needed, ensuring ongoing project success and long-term viability.

Interested In Upgrading Your Healthcare System?

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VelloHealth – Collaboration Platform for ACT Teams

VelloHealth serves as a platform designed to optimize the real-time management and reporting of ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) team operations.

  • HIPAA-compliant communication within single and multiple ACT Teams;
  • Integration with Netsmart and AccuMedic EHRs and Data Loading import/export.
Coming soon
vello health UI - mental health collaboration platform


Cloud Portal for Managing, Tracking, And Accessing Drug Testing Data For Applicant Information

Web Testing Platform that is integrated with Quest Diagnostics, Labcorp, Psychemedics, eScreen and some other labs and collection sites.

Additionally, the portal is integrated with M-Files document management, Xero, PSP Crash & Safety database, Datalink (MVR’s), Fonality click-to-call, and email-to-fax services.

Explore the Project
Integrated Healthcare Solutions 1

What Clients Say

We were building an MVP that will eventually serve as a full personal health record (PHR) solutions platform. The quality of their work was excellent. They’re a very smart, informed company that understands how to create a functionally-sound platform. They provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, which is very helpful as well. I enjoyed working with them. 

Jessica Blanding, Owner at Text and Online Counseling

They were on a budget, and the app was delivered in a timely fashion. In terms of usage, the application’s interface was clean, extremely user-friendly, and very fast. They delivered on all of our performance metrics. In terms of communication, their response time was extremely fast.

Terry Rawlings, COO at Modus Research Inc

Healthcare Software Integrations We Implement

bluestreat health
health gorilla
memore health
dose spot
Telehealth & Secure Messaging

Our Tech Stack

Cloud hosting
google cloud11
Microsoft SQL Server
Build Server
azure devops


What are integrated solutions in healthcare?

Integrated solutions in healthcare refer to a cohesive system that combines various components of delivery, such as patient care, technology, data management, and administrative processes, into a unified framework. This integration aims to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare services by ensuring seamless communication and data exchange between different healthcare systems. By doing so, it enhances patient outcomes, reduces operational inefficiencies, and fosters a more patient-centered approach, allowing for more coordinated and comprehensive care management.

Additionally, integrated solutions pave the way for advanced analytics, enabling hospitals to make data-driven decisions that improve treatment protocols and patient care strategies. They also support interoperability standards, ensuring that different systems and software can work together effectively, which is crucial in emergency situations where quick access to accurate patient information can be life-saving.

What are the two main types of integrated care systems in the health market today?

The two main types of integrated care systems commonly found in today’s market are:

  • Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs): These are groups of doctors, hospitals, and other medical specialists who voluntarily come together to give coordinated high-quality care to their patients, particularly those with Medicare. The goal of an ACO is to ensure that patients, especially those with chronic illnesses, get the right care at the right time while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors. ACOs concentrate on cost efficiency and high-quality care outcomes, with providers sharing in the savings achieved through this model.
  • Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs): This model emphasizes primary care as the core of medical care and is based on care delivery that is patient-centered, comprehensive, team-based, coordinated, accessible, and focused on quality and safety. In a PCMH, the primary care physician leads a team of professionals who collectively take responsibility for the ongoing care of patients. This model integrates all aspects of primary healthcare, including prevention, wellness, and chronic disease management, and coordinates with more specialized care as needed.

What are some examples of integrated health solutions?

Integrated healthcare solutions encompass a range of technologies and methodologies that streamline and enhance healthcare delivery. Key examples include Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) for digital information management, Health Information Exchange (HIE) for data sharing across organizations, and telemedicine platforms for remote clinical services. Patient Portals, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) empower patients and assist medical providers in managing care more effectively. 

Additionally, Population Health Management tools, Wearable Health Technology, and Interoperability Solutions are pivotal in improving clinical outcomes, patient engagement and wellness, and ensuring full access and seamless data integration across the medical spectrum, all contributing to developing a more efficient, integrated, and patient-centered healthcare system.

How to evaluate the level of integrations of medical practice?

Evaluating the level of integration in a medical practice involves assessing system interoperability for seamless data exchange, streamlined clinical and administrative workflows, and effective data accessibility. Key indicators include the patient experience, encompassing easy scheduling and follow-ups, adherence to compliance standards like HIPAA, and the impact on quality of care and patient outcomes. Additionally, financial performance, staff feedback on system usability, and the practice’s ability to incorporate new technologies are vital metrics. Together, these factors offer a comprehensive picture of the practice’s integration efficiency and areas for potential enhancement.

What should I consider while selecting a vendor for implementing necessary integrations? 

When selecting a vendor for implementing necessary integrations in your healthcare system or website, there are several key factors to consider:

  • Experience: Look for a vendor with a proven track record in healthcare integrations. Experience in dealing with similar projects and challenges can be a significant asset.
  • Compliance and Security: Ensure the vendor is compliant with medical regulations such as HIPAA in the U.S. or GDPR in Europe. The vendor should prioritize data security and patient privacy in their solutions.
  • Interoperability: Check if the vendor’s solutions are interoperable with various healthcare systems and technologies. The ability to seamlessly integrate with existing and future systems is crucial.
  • Customization and Scalability: The vendor should offer customizable solutions that can be scaled and adapted to your specific needs and growth plans.
  • Support and Maintenance: Evaluate the level of ongoing support and maintenance services offered. Reliable and responsive support is essential for addressing issues and ensuring continuous operation.
  • References and Testimonials: Ask for and check references or testimonials from other medical establishments that have used their services. This can provide insights into their reliability and performance.

Carefully evaluating these factors will help you select a vendor that not only meets your current needs but also supports your organization’s growth and evolution in the medical sector.

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  • HIPAA & GDPR compliance
  • 4.9 Rating on clutch
  • A winning tech stack
  • In-house team of versatile experts
  • Proven expertise in healthtech development

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