Custom Healthcare Automation Solutions

Automate repetitive, paper, and time-consuming healthcare processes with the help of custom automation solutions. We help you to get ownership of your business workflow, which results in healthier patients and happier employees.  

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Why Do You Need a Healthcare Automation Solution?

Healthcare automation solutions involve integrating technology and software to streamline various processes within the healthcare system, reducing manual labor and enhancing productivity.

Healthcare automation solutions significantly increase productivity and reduce costs, allowing providers to focus more on patient satisfaction. They enhance data management by ensuring patient information is organized, secured, and readily accessible.

Healthcare Automation solutions enable healthcare institutions to scale faster, meeting the growing demands of an ever-expanding patient population. They facilitate administrative tasks, streamline workflows, and patient care while maintaining a high level of compliance.


Advantages of Automation Solutions for Healthcare Organizations

Automation is a perfect fit for health systems. Across the globe, hospitals, clinics, and practices use healthcare automation solutions to get more done for less money.

Patients’ Outcome Improvement

People are likelier to stay on track toward predicted clinical outcomes when they follow a standardized care path. Furthermore, healthcare automation can help detect deviations from the recommended care plan so that the care team can intervene. According to McKinsey, about 55% of people find better healthcare through telemedicine than traditional services.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Process automation delivers a wealth of data in a continuous feedback loop for better performance. During every cycle, healthcare automation technology can collect data on how the process works and use that information to improve it. The continuous feedback loop of process automation represents a dynamic journey of perpetual improvement, where the system becomes a sophisticated, self-improving asset in the pursuit of optimal performance.

Efficiency and Personalization

Healthcare automation software enhances efficiency by streamlining processes, reducing manual tasks, and optimizing resource allocation. They also enable personalization, tailoring care and treatments based on individual data. Healthcare technology could save more than $77 billion annually in the United States, improving efficiency in outpatient and inpatient settings.

Better Patient Data Management

Healthcare process automation improves document management by organizing, storing, and analyzing patient information more effectively. This leads to quicker access to critical data, better-informed decision-making, and enhanced patient engagement. With fast and reliable access to comprehensive patient information, healthcare providers are better equipped to tailor treatments, anticipate potential issues, and provide a more personalized and responsive experience.

Streamlined Administrative Processes

Using healthcare automation to replace manually intensive tasks that machines do better can be a big time saver. It doesn’t have to eliminate employees but rather elevate them into higher-functioning roles that use the clinical expertise they have been trained for. For instance, a CAQH study revealed that automating administrative processes could save $13.3 billion, showing that robotic process automation solutions are relatively inexpensive compared to manual operations.

Ability to Scale Faster

Automating tasks like patient communication and internal data collection makes it easier to grow your healthcare business. Using home health automation software streamlines daily operations, creating a system that’s customized and ready for expansion. Plus, with good interoperability standards, you won’t face delays in migrating your database when scaling up.

We Understand Healthcare Professionals’ Pain

We recognize the daily burdens healthcare specialists bear. Our team is dedicated to providing automation software that alleviates these pain points. 


Stringent regulations (HIPAA, GDPR) mandate strict data security and privacy. Non-compliance risks legal consequences, underscoring the need to integrate these regulations into software solutions.

Integration With Existing Solutions

Healthcare automation leans heavily on software and tech. Seamless integration with current infrastructure is key to prevent disruption and uphold workflow continuity.

Cost-Related Aspects

Healthcare is cost-sensitive, and any new software implementation must demonstrate a clear return on investment. Balancing the need for automation with cost-effectiveness is a persistent challenge.

Exponentially Growing Data Volumes

The healthcare industry generates vast amounts of data daily. Handling and analyzing this data efficiently is essential for decision-making, research, and providing quality care.


Overwhelming paperwork and admin tasks can divert healthcare staff from patient care. Automation helps ease this burden, enhancing overall healthcare operation efficiency.

Human Factor 

Human errors in data entry or clinical choices can cause added costs, delays, and critical mistakes. Automation cuts the likelihood of these errors, boosting care quality.

Complex And Slow IT Systems

Healthcare firms struggle with outdated IT slowing care. These systems hinder efficiency and create bottlenecks in care delivery, making the transition to a streamlined, agile approach a top priority.

Looking for expert guidance on healthcare automation solutions? Contact our team to discuss your unique needs and find tailored solutions.

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Top Features of Healthcare Automation Solutions

With healthcare workflow automation, you get everything integrated, managed, and governed in one place. So, no more time-consuming paperwork or administrative burdens are in your life, just optimized workflow and happy clients.

Appointment Scheduling

Health systems show slots and specialties for patient selection. Automated notifications and reminders cut no-shows, optimizing clinic schedules.

Medication Management

E-prescribing reduces prescription errors by sending prescriptions to pharmacies directly. Hospital medication dispensers ensure accurate dosing and timely administration.

Inventory and Supply Chain Management

A healthcare inventory management system tracks medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals. So, it helps you reduce waste and eliminate stockouts, while streamlining processes.

Workflow Customization

It empowers healthcare teams to tailor their processes, accommodating specific requirements and preferences. This flexibility enhances care delivery and overall satisfaction.

Compliance and Security

Compliance and security are the vigilant guardians of healthcare data. They build trust by protecting client data, following key regulations, and upholding integrity and secrecy.

Quick After-Visit Summaries

After-visit summaries condense the important details, treatment plans, and next steps, making remembering and following your doctor’s advice easier.

Impact Experiences on Every Level

Clinician Experience 

Healthcare automation significantly transforms the clinician experience. It accelerates healthcare provider procedures, making it easier for clinicians to comprehend patient conditions. With automated tools, they can rapidly access and analyze patient records, reducing the time spent on paper tasks. This improves diagnosis and treatment and allows clinicians to spend more time with patients, enhancing the overall quality of care. Automation also ensures clinicians adhere to complex regulations by providing real-time compliance checks and recommendations, reducing the risk of legal and regulatory issues risk.

Patient Experience

Automation solutions play a crucial role in enhancing the patient experience. They enable clinicians to quickly obtain comprehensive client data from various systems, fostering a holistic approach to care. Automation streamlines patient communications across channels, making it convenient for patients to reach their healthcare providers. Patients can receive real-time status updates, appointment reminders, and healthcare information through their preferred communication channels, enhancing engagement and overall satisfaction. Moreover, simplified billing processes reduce clients’ stress related to financial aspects, making their journey more transparent and comfortable.

Administration Experience

In the realm of healthcare administration, automation brings transformative benefits. It optimizes supply chain logistics by real-time tracking of medical supplies, ensuring that healthcare facilities are well-stocked and avoiding costly shortages. Automation streamlines workflows across multiple departments, including HR, finance, lab, and pharmacy, improving operational efficiency and reducing manual data entry errors. Moreover, automation enhances medical billing and coding accuracy, leading to quicker and more accurate reimbursement for healthcare services. This not only reduces administrative overhead but also ensures the financial stability of businesses.

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Our Core Healthcare Development Services


Discovery Phase Service

We uncover hidden insights and underserved needs through an immersive research of the future projects.

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biotech cells

Mobile App Development

We convert complex medical protocols into intuitive tap and swipe functionality that digitally empowers patients.

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biotech cells

Legacy Software Modernization

We breathe new life into outdated systems through digital transformation, revitalizing legacy platforms with cutting-edge cloud integration and enhanced UX for the modern era.

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Software Maintenance

With a round-the-clock support, our comprehensive software maintenance services enable applications to stand the test of time while continuously adapting to users’ evolving needs.

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DevOps Services

Our DevOps services accelerate delivery through agile processes, continuous integration, and a culture of innovation without downtime.

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MVP Development

Custom development of healthcare MVP that gets attention of investors, support your business growth and is HIPAA-Compliant.

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Why Healthcare Organizations Choose Empeek for Automation Software Development?

Our expertise in healthcare, tailored solutions, compliance adherence, and client-centric approach make us a trusted partner in streamlining operations, improving care, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Proven Healthcare Industry Expertise

We take pride in our deep understanding of the healthcare industry. We’ve honed our expertise over years of working with healthcare businesses, allowing us to develop intelligent automation software that caters to the unique intricacies of healthcare processes. Our industry knowledge ensures that our solutions align seamlessly with the requirements and challenges providers face.

Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

We firmly believe healthcare is not a one-size-fits-all field. Our approach involves close collaboration with clients to gain insights into their workflows, challenges, and objectives. This enables us to create custom automation software that effectively streamlines processes and addresses their distinct pain points.

Regulatory Compliance Assurance

Compliance with regulations is paramount for us. We understand the importance of maintaining client data privacy and security. Our in-depth knowledge of compliance standards, including HIPAA, GDPR, and FDA regulations, guarantees that our automation software meets these requirements. This mitigates the risk of legal issues and builds trust among patients and stakeholders.

Client-Centric Approach

At Empeek, our clients are at the center of everything we do. We take the time to understand our clients’ goals and challenges, working closely with them to craft solutions that align with their vision. Our client-centric approach fosters strong partnerships, ensuring that our automation software meets immediate needs and evolves to address future requirements.

What Clients Say

I am most impressed with the high quality of design and development, which is really important to us.  They have designed the product to be extensible, with a solid base and architectural backend to allow for product implementation and design scaling. Also, the product hasn’t been buggy at all, so we can support it without difficulty.

As an ongoing partner, they continue to dedicate a communicative, highly skilled team that meets deadlines and stays on budget.

Nathaniel Weiss, CEO at VelloHealth

We were building an MVP that will eventually serve as a full personal health record (PHR) solutions platform. The quality of their work was excellent. They’re a very smart, informed company that understands how to create a functionally-sound platform. They provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, which is very helpful as well. I enjoyed working with them. 

Jessica Blanding, Owner at Text and Online Counseling


EHR for Behavioral Health

We’ve created web and mobile applications to help doctors and patients optimize the treatment process.

Coming soon
UI For Health app


HIPAA-compliant EHR system and Patient Portal For Mental Health Clinic

We’ve built a HIPAA-compliant EHR system and Patient Portal for them with advanced telemedicine, billing, and reporting & analytics modules.

Patient Portal includes:

  • Smart search;
  • Appointment scheduler;
  • Automatic reminders;
  • Audio & video conferencing;
  • Documents & assessments;
  • Payment history.
Coming soon

Our Tech Stack

Cloud hosting
google cloud11
Microsoft SQL Server
Build Server
azure devops

Healthcare Software Integrations We Implement

bluestreat health
health gorilla
memore health
dose spot
Telehealth & Secure Messaging


What is an example of automation in healthcare?

Healthcare automation solution refers to applying technology to streamline and enhance various aspects of healthcare. Telemedicine for remote consultations, appointment scheduling and reminders for improved client management, and health monitoring wearables are some of the most prominent examples.

Examples of healthcare automation also include EHR systems for efficient record-keeping, robotic surgical systems for precise and minimally invasive surgeries, chatbots and virtual assistants for client interactions, and robotic prescription dispensers in pharmacies. Automation aims to enhance the accuracy and speed of healthcare processes, reduce errors, improve patient outcomes, and free up healthcare specialists to focus on more complex and value-added tasks. It is pivotal in modernizing the healthcare segment and improving service delivery.

What is automation in healthcare?

Healthcare automation refers to the strategic integration of technology, software, and robotic systems to optimize and streamline various processes within the industry. This transformative approach aims to reduce manual intervention, enhance operational efficiency, and improve the overall quality of care. From administrative processes to clinical operations, automation in healthcare spans a wide range of applications.

For instance, EHR systems automate the storage and management of patient records, replacing traditional paper-based methods. RPA is employed to automate repetitive tasks, such as claims processing and appointment scheduling, reducing the administrative burden on healthcare professionals. Additionally, robotic surgical systems bring automation to the operating room, enabling precise and minimally invasive procedures.

The overarching goal of automation in healthcare is to optimize workflows, increase accuracy, and free up valuable time for providers, allowing them to focus more on direct patients.

What are the solutions of RPA in healthcare?

RPA provides solutions to streamline various operations. These include the following:

  • Appointment Scheduling

RPA automates the appointment scheduling process, helps to reduce errors, and ensures accurate information.

  • Claims Management

RPA accelerates claims processing, leading to faster verification and settlement, ultimately improving the efficiency of the claims’ management system.

  • Data Extraction and Entry

Automation helps you to enter data from various documents into EHR systems and complete other important tasks.

  • Billing and Invoicing

RPA helps generate precise patient’ bills and invoices, ensuring accurate documentation of provided services.

  • Revenue Cycle Management

Automation in various revenue cycle management stages enhances finance for healthcare providers.

  • Data Migration

RPA aids in the smooth data transition between systems, such as migrating data from legacy systems to modern EHR platforms.

  • Appointment Reminders and Follow-ups

RPA sends automated reminders and follow-ups, improving patients’ engagement and reducing no-show rates.

  • Inventory Management

Automation helps manage medical supplies by tracking inventory levels, preventing shortages, and optimizing stock.

What are the benefits of automation in healthcare?

Healthcare automation offers many advantages that profoundly impact the industry’s efficiency and care quality. It optimizes various processes, enhancing efficiency and resource allocation. One of the most notable benefits is the remarkable boost in accuracy, as automation significantly reduces errors in tasks like data entry and medication dispensing. This leads to higher precision in patient data management, diagnosis, and treatment, ultimately improving patient safety and healthcare outcomes.

Moreover, automation allows providers to redirect their focus to what truly matters: patient outcomes. By automating routine administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and record-keeping, healthcare specialists have more time and attention to dedicate to their patients. This translates to improved patient experience, engagement, and clinical outcomes.

Financially, automation reduces costs by minimizing manual labor and inefficiencies. It enhances financial management through billing accuracy and claims processing, helping ] companies maintain better control over their budget. Automation also contributes to secure data management and compliance with healthcare regulations, mitigating the risk of legal issues and protecting patient information.

How can automation solutions in healthcare improve compliance with industry regulations?

Automation solutions in healthcare industry are instrumental in enhancing compliance with stringent industry regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These solutions incorporate robust security measures, encryption protocols, and access controls to safeguard sensitive patient information. Real-time compliance checks ensure that all processes adhere to the stipulated regulations, minimizing the risk of data breaches and legal consequences. By automating and standardizing data handling processes, healthcare organizations can consistently apply privacy and security measures across their operations, fostering a culture of compliance and instilling trust among patients and stakeholders.

How does automation contribute to better scalability in healthcare organizations?

Automation serves as a catalyst for healthcare organizations’ scalability by addressing key growth challenges. Automated processes like appointment scheduling, billing, and data management enable healthcare providers to handle increased workloads efficiently.

The ability to streamline workflows and personalize patient care ensures that the quality of service remains consistent even as the organization expands. Automation also optimizes resource allocation, preventing administrative task bottlenecks and allowing healthcare professionals to focus on quality care delivery. In essence, automation not only facilitates growth but ensures that scalability is achieved without compromising the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Can automation solutions be customized to fit the unique needs of healthcare practices?

One of their standout features is their inherent flexibility and customization capabilities. These solutions are designed to be adaptable to the unique workflows, challenges, and objectives of different businesses. Through close collaboration with healthcare providers, the health system automation can be tailored to integrate seamlessly with existing processes and technologies. This customization ensures that the automation solution aligns with the healthcare practice’s needs, enhancing its effectiveness and promoting a smoother transition to automated processes. Whether it’s streamlining administrative activities or optimizing patient care workflows, customization ensures that the automation solution becomes a tailored and integral part of the medical practice’s operations.

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