Medical Record Management Software Development

Through comprehensive requirement analysis, thoughtful design, and precise implementation, we craft custom medical records management solutions that integrate with existing systems to ensure compliance, security, and optimal workflow efficiency.

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What Is Records Management in Healthcare?

Health information management can be defined as the systematic process of creating, organizing, and maintaining electronic patient records throughout their lifecycle. These records include everything from medication history and treatment plans to diagnostic test results and administrative details. An effective clinical records management solution ensures that medical professionals can navigate and retrieve information to facilitate accurate decision-making and enhance the overall quality of patient care. 

Apart from keeping patient records, medical records management includes secure data and timely disposal when necessary. It ensures that doctors have the right patient data at their fingertips while upholding the highest standards of confidentiality and data security.

graph - Global medical documentation management systems market size

HIPAA Compliant Medical Records Management Solutions

Empeek´s health information management solutions are built with HIPAA regulations in mind. From robust access controls and encryption to integration with EHRs, we create a framework for storing, accessing, and sharing patient data while adhering to privacy and security requirements.

Charting & Documentation

This feature is designed to streamline the recording of patient information with quick accessibility and precision for doctors. It facilitates efficient and comprehensive documentation procedures, allowing to input and retrieve vital patient data. With a user-friendly interface, it helps to maintain organized and accurate medical records, improving the quality of patient care.

EHR Integrations

It enables connectivity between medical record management software and Electronic Health Records (EHR). It ensures a cohesive data exchange, fostering efficient collaboration among healthcare systems. System integration enables hospitals to access and update patient data and improve communication and the overall quality of care delivery.

Storage & Backup

The goal is to provide a secure and scalable solution for medical records to ensure data integrity and accessibility. This feature includes robust backup mechanisms, safeguarding against potential data loss and aligning with data retention policies. We prioritize the protection of confidential information, so during the development we ensure a reliable repository where critical data is preserved and readily available when needed.

Custom Reporting

This feature empowers medical professionals with tailored analytics that results in a personalized approach to data analysis. Custom development enables the creation of unique reports based on specific medical data, fostering informed decision-making and performance evaluation. It provides a flexible reporting framework so that institutions can derive insights from their medical records and optimize operational efficiency.

Mobile Access

It allows medical staff to securely access medical records via mobile devices. Custom solutions enable caregivers to retrieve essential patient information on-the-go. With a user-friendly interface and robust security measures, this feature enhances accessibility and allows doctors to make informed decisions efficiently.

Automated Workflows

This feature streamlines routine procedures within healthcare organizations. It automates tasks in information management, reducing manual efforts and ensuring consistency. This feature enhances workflow automation and minimizes errors, which leads to improved productivity and resource utilization. 


The electronic format of signature introduces a paperless and secure environment. This feature ensures document authenticity and speeds up approval processes. It contributes to a more efficient workflow while aligning with modern legal action standards for secure and streamlined documentation. It improves the accuracy of document handling, promoting a sustainable and technologically advanced approach to health records management.

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Discover How Our Medical Records Software Development Services Can Improve Your Approach To Healthcare.

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Features of Medical Records Management Solutions

From lab integration to medication prescription management and HIPAA auditing, our portfolio spans a wide range of innovative features of health records management solutions that aim to empower healthcare professionals to navigate the complexities of medical records.

Lab Integration

Our team incorporates lab results into patient records. This enhances diagnostic precision and treatment planning.

Voice Recognition

We build patient records management software that transcribes spoken words into text. It streamlines documentation processes for medical professionals.

Scanning & Digitization

Our dedicated teams are able to convert paper-based records into digital formats. It optimizes accessibility and reduces physical storage requirements.

Fax/Email Integration

Custom solutions can facilitate secure communication by integrating fax and email functionalities into the health records system.

Prescription Management

Our dedicated teams build solutions that streamline prescription procedures to ensure accurate medication orders and tracking for improved patient safety.

Data Archiving

We are able to securely store historical medical records, complying with data retention policies and ensure data integrity.

Telehealth Support

Our team enables integration of telehealth services to facilitate remote patient consultations and expanding healthcare accessibility.

Patient Reminders

We build solutions that improve patient engagement with automated reminders to manage appointments, medications, and follow-ups.

Data Migration

Our medical records solutions transfer and integrate data from legacy systems, which ensures a smooth transition to a new medical record management solution.

Discharge Summaries

We provide solutions that generate comprehensive discharge summaries. They enhance communication and continuity of care during patient transitions.

HIPAA Auditing

Our dedicated teams conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations. It maintains the security and confidentiality of data collection and patient information.

Automated Alerts

We build solutions that implement automated alerts for critical events. It enhances responsiveness and proactive management of patient care.

Benefits of Custom Medical Records Management Software

Custom health records management software solutions prioritize compliance, streamline reporting processes, and integrate with legacy data for comprehensive patient records.

Compliance & Reporting

Custom record management software ensures adherence to industry-specific regulations and standards. It facilitates robust compliance monitoring and reporting capabilities to help healthcare institutions meet legal requirements and streamline reporting procedures for improved transparency and efficiency.

Legacy Data Integration

By integrating with existing legacy systems, custom solutions enable the migration of historical patient records. This ensures continuity of care, minimizes medication errors, and maximizes the utility of historical information. As a result, hospitals are able to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive patient record.

Tailored for Your Specialty

Customization allows the software to be tailored to the unique needs of specific medical practices. Whether it’s cardiology, pediatrics, or any other field, custom solutions can incorporate specialized features, workflows, and terminology, optimizing the software for the specific challenges and requirements of different medical disciplines.

Competitive Edge

Custom health records management software provides a competitive advantage by aligning closely with the unique workflows and needs of the healthcare organizations. This tailored approach enhances operational efficiency, improves staff satisfaction, and positions the organization as a leader in providing specialized and patient-centric care.

Enhanced Data Security

During custom development, we prioritize the security of patient data. With features such as advanced access controls, encryption, and audit trails, we provide enhanced protection against unauthorized access and data breaches. This level of security ensures the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive healthcare information.

Flexibility & Scalability

Customized solutions offer the flexibility to adapt and evolve as the healthcare institution grows or faces changing needs. They can be easily scaled to accommodate a growing patient base, new services, or technological advancements. The software remains a valuable asset in the long term and adapts to the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry.

How We Build Medical Record Management Software

Partnering with us offers access to a team of seasoned experts and an agile development process that guides your healthcare solution from conceptualization to market launch. Empeek´s development approach integrates various stages to ensure the development of a cutting-edge, secure, and user-friendly medical record management system.

Discovery Phase

We engage in thorough research and analysis to understand the target healthcare landscape. Empeek´s team identifies unmet needs, technological possibilities, and regulatory considerations. This phase sets the foundation for a strategic and informed medical record management development process, aligning your goals with the unique requirements of the solution.

System Design

Based on the gathered requirements, we design a system architecture that aligns with industry standards, security protocols, and user experience principles. This phase involves creating a roadmap for the software, including data flow, user interfaces, and system interactions. We aim to create a solid foundation for the development process.


Our team uses agile development methodologies to ensure flexibility to accommodate evolving digital health requirements of your business. Throughout this stage, we prioritize security, scalability, and interoperability, aligning with industry best practices, so the future solution will be of high quality and meet regulatory standards. 


Our development process includes integration with other healthcare systems and standards. Whether it’s HL7, FHIR, or other interoperability protocols, we make sure that your medical record management software can communicate effectively with other healthcare IT systems.

QA & Testing

Quality assurance is central to our development methodology. We conduct unit testing, integration testing, and system testing to identify any issues early in the development process. This ensures the reliability, security, and functionality of the medical record management software.

User Acceptance Testing

Before deployment, we involve key stakeholders in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) phase. This stage allows end-users to interact with the system, validate its functionality, and provide valuable feedback. The goal is to align the final product closely with user expectations and meet the specific needs of your healthcare organization.

Documentation & Deployment

We compile documentation to assist users, administrators, and IT staff in understanding and maintaining the medical record management software. Following successful testing and user acceptance, the software is deployed in your healthcare environment, ensuring a smooth transition from development to active usage.

Maintenance & Enhancements

We provide ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues, implement updates, and ensure the optimal performance of the medical record management software. Additionally, we continuously incorporate enhancements and upgrades as your healthcare requirements evolve.

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We Make Custom Software That Delivers Proven Health Outcomes

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Digital Mental Health Solution

Empeek designed a platform, that:

  • Has centralized client profiles with demographic, clinical, and care planning data;
  • Allows for mobile tracking of client locations to coordinate visits;
  • Include shared notes, tasks, and notifications for care team members;
  • Has dashboards and reporting on client cases and team activities.
Explore the Project
UI/UX for Digital Mental Health Solution, desktop and mobile


HIPAA-compliant EHR system and Patient Portal For Mental Health Clinic

We’ve built a HIPAA-compliant EHR system and Patient Portal with advanced telemedicine, billing, and reporting & analytics modules.


Coming soon
UI for EHR system and Patient Portal For Mental Health Clinic

A-Players Deliver Top Results

Alex Shpachuk

CEO & Co-Founder

Working with healthcare projects for more than 10 years

Anna Khmilova

Business Analyst

6 years in the Business Analyst role, IIBA® Member

Oleg Stefaniuk

Project Manager

Manages healthcare projects for 5+ years

What Clients Say

I am most impressed with the high quality of design and development, which is really important to us.  They have designed the product to be extensible, with a solid base and architectural backend to allow for product implementation and design scaling. Also, the product hasn’t been buggy at all, so we can support it without difficulty.

As an ongoing partner, they continue to dedicate a communicative, highly skilled team that meets deadlines and stays on budget.

Nathaniel Weiss, CEO at VelloHealth

We were building an MVP that will eventually serve as a full personal health record (PHR) solutions platform. The quality of their work was excellent. They’re a very smart, informed company that understands how to create a functionally-sound platform. They provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, which is very helpful as well. I enjoyed working with them. 

Jessica Blanding, Owner at Text and Online Counseling

End-to-end Healthcare Software Development

With a focus on expertise and adaptability, we ensure a comprehensive approach that maximizes the potential of your software product. We aim to deliver robust and tailored solutions that empower healthcare providers, streamline operations, and enhance patient care.

Custom Software Development

Our team specializes in building custom healthcare software solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of your organization. Whether it’s a patient management system, electronic health records (EHR), or specialized healthcare applications, we develop scalable and efficient software that aligns with your workflow.

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Discovery Phase

We understand that the foundation of a successful healthcare software project lies in comprehension of your goals, challenges, and user needs. This phase involves in-depth research, stakeholder interviews, and requirement analysis to define a clear roadmap for the project. We aim to ensure that the final solution addresses your specific pain points.

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MVP Design and Development

We believe in delivering value quickly and iteratively. Our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach allows us to develop a functional prototype that we test and refine based on user feedback. This iterative process ensures that the final product meets your expectations and evolves with the changing dynamics of the healthcare landscape.

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QA & Testing

We conduct rigorous testing, including functional, performance, and security testing, to ensure that the software meets industry standards and compliance requirements. Our commitment to quality ensures a reliable and secure healthcare IT solution.

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Legacy Software Modernization

We offer modernization services to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve overall performance. Whether it’s migrating to a new platform or upgrading existing software, we ensure a smooth transition without compromising data integrity.

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Support and Maintenance

We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the continued smooth operation of your healthcare software. Regular updates, bug fixes, and proactive monitoring are part of our commitment to keeping your software up-to-date and secure.

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Our Tech Stack

Cloud hosting
google cloud11
Microsoft SQL Server
Build Server
azure devops


What software is used for medical records?

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are used to manage medical records. It serves as the digital equivalent of traditional medical charts, that stores personal data, details on current medications, and records of past medical procedures.

What is the difference between medical records management (MRM) and electronic health records (EHR)?

Medical Records Management (MRM) encompasses the organization and maintenance of any form of medical records. Electronic Health Records (EHR) specifically refers to digital, computerized versions of patient health records. The key distinction between an EMR and an EHR lies in the capacity to instantly share information. While an EMR captures data from a single care provider, EHRs are specifically designed for use by multiple care providers and healthcare organizations.

How are medical records maintained?

Medical records can be maintained in traditional paper formats and digital systems. Digital methods involve Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, where patient information is stored electronically. EHRs streamline the management of medical records by allowing healthcare professionals to input, update, and access data digitally. 

Why is health information management important?

Health information management aims to maintain the accuracy, confidentiality, and accessibility of patient health data. This is crucial for healthcare providers so they can make informed decisions and deliver quality care.

What are 3 types of archiving for a medical record?

The three types of archiving medical records include:

  1. Physical storage. It involves storing medical records in a traditional paper-based format. It requires secure storage facilities with controlled access to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the records.
  2. Digital archiving. Medical records are stored electronically within Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. It improves accessibility, allows for efficient data retrieval, and supports integration with other healthcare systems.
  3. Offsite storage for disaster recovery. This involves storing copies of medical records at a separate location to ensure data preservation in case of emergencies that could impact the primary storage facility.

What are the elements of an effective records management system?

An effective records management system consist of:

  • Organization 
  • Secure Storage 
  • Access Controls 
  • Regular Auditing 
  • Compliance with Regulations 
  • Backup and Recovery 
  • Scalability
  • User Training

Can health records management systems support integration of additional features like telehealth records, imaging, and patient portals?

Yes, we design modern health records management systems to support the integration of additional features. Integration with telehealth records enables healthcare providers to incorporate virtual care data into patient records, while support for medical imaging integration allows for the inclusion of radiology and diagnostic images. The integration of patient portals enhances patient engagement by providing individuals with secure access to their health information, appointment scheduling, communication with healthcare providers, and more. 

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  • HIPAA & GDPR compliance
  • 4.9 Rating on clutch
  • A winning tech stack
  • In-house team of versatile experts
  • Proven expertise in healthtech development

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