Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential

Investment in telemedicine has increased significantly, fueled by growing recognition of its potential to expand access to healthcare services. Projections suggest that telemedicine market value will climb to an impressive $282.22 billion by 2030

The expansion of telemedicine also exposes significant challenges, particularly in the areas of data security and regulatory compliance. Recent events have highlighted the vulnerability of the telemedicine field. For example, Cerebral, a mental health service delivered through telehealth, has come under fire for sharing millions of patient data with advertising companies. 

The purpose of this article is to examine the features, technologies, and specialties of telehealth startups in detail. Here we offer insights into the current status and future potential of health startups to improve global healthcare accessibility and operations.

Why Do Health Tech Startups Fail?

Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 1

The road to success of medical startups is fraught with challenges, as evidenced by the stark statistic that over 21% of such startups fail in their first year, 30% fail by their second year, 50% by their fifth year, and 70% by their tenth year. The high-profile collapse of Babylon, once a nearly $2 billion enterprise that ended in bankruptcy, illustrates the dangers these companies face, such as financial mismanagement, operational issues, market dynamics, and strategic missteps. Babylon struggled with insolvency, internal governance problems, and patient safety concerns, lost major contracts, failed acquisition talks, and experienced delisting of its shares from the NYSE, leading to its downfall.

Let’s discuss the main reasons behind startups failures, from the crucial need for genuine value creation to the complexities of market fit, financial sustainability, and regulatory navigation. Each component is critical for survival and growth in the competitive arena of telehealth.

A Value Should be a Real Value

Digital health startups must ensure that the value they promise is tangible and far outweighs the costs. Consumers and businesses in the healthcare sector are becoming increasingly discerning and demand services that meet and exceed their investment. For example, if a service doubles the cost to end users, it must provide disproportionately large benefits, whether through increased convenience, improved outcomes, or both. Startups that fail to meet these expectations quickly find themselves behind competitors who offer better solutions.

Tip: Thoroughly test and validate your value proposition before scaling. This includes pilot studies, user feedback, and iterative product improvements.

Target Audience That Pays

Identifying and securing a target audience that has both the willingness and ability to pay is crucial for the survival of any medtech startup. Many startups fail because they either target too broad an audience or focus on a group that can’t afford their services. Successful telehealth businesses find a sweet spot by serving niche markets that benefit greatly from their offerings and can support the business model financially.

Tip: Conduct detailed market research to accurately define and understand the target demographic. Employ value-based pricing models that align with the perceived benefits to ensure affordability and increase market penetration.

No Short-cuts

Quality and compliance are non-negotiable in the healthcare sector. Startups that attempt to shortcut these essential aspects often face severe repercussions, as seen in cases like Zenefits. The company allowed unlicensed brokers to sell health insurance and enabled employees to bypass broker licensing courses using a software tool. This led to a $7 million fine by the California Department of Insurance and a major scandal that damaged its reputation and business operations. 

Regulatory bodies and patients alike demand high standards of safety and efficacy, which requires startups to invest significant resources in clinical trials, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance. Moreover, the ethical implications of healthcare delivery mean that primary care startups must maintain a high level of integrity and transparency. Failure to meet those standards damages trust and leads to legal and financial consequences that can cripple a business.

Tip: Build a robust compliance framework and maintain transparency in operations to foster trust and ensure adherence to healthcare regulations and standards.

Establish Strong Connections

For telehealth startups, especially those in mental health, establishing strong connections with both healthcare providers and patients is essential. The failures of companies like Cerebral underscore the importance of these relationships. Cerebral, a mental health telehealth startup, faced significant challenges due to inadequate provider-patient relationships and operational issues. The company struggled with maintaining quality care standards, leading to patient dissatisfaction and regulatory scrutiny.

Tip: Develop strategic partnerships and maintain continuous engagement with the community. It will help to facilitate the integration of services and improve patient care coordination.

Unreasonable Costs Spending

Many telehealth startups burn through their capital on aggressive marketing and rapid scaling before establishing a proven business model. Examples abound of startups that have raised significant funds, only to spend unsustainably on customer acquisition and expansion without securing stable revenue streams. This approach often leads to financial instability and, ultimately, failure. 

For instance, HealthSpot, a telehealth startup, raised $40 million but failed due to mismanagement and operational challenges. Their high costs and inability to scale effectively led to its shutdown​​. Another example is Mindstrong, a digital mental health company that, despite substantial funding, couldn’t sustain its operations due to industry-wide challenges and market conditions​​.

Tip: Implement lean operations and use data-driven decision-making to manage expenses judiciously.

Confusion About How Payments And Reimbursements Work

Navigating the complex landscape of healthcare payments and insurance reimbursements presents another critical challenge. Many startups find this aspect difficult, often underestimating the challenges of integration into existing financial frameworks in healthcare. Missteps in this area can result in delayed or denied payments, which can undermine the financial viability of the business.

Tip: Engage experts in healthcare financing and educate stakeholders on the details of payment processes.

Has A Steep Learning Curve For Integration

The integration of new technologies into existing healthcare processes can be highly challenging. Many healthcare providers are accustomed to traditional modes of operation and may be resistant to adopting new systems. However, recent data sheds light on both the progress and ongoing challenges in this area.

As of 2021, nearly 96% of non-federal acute care hospitals and 78% of office-based physicians had adopted a certified electronic health record (EHR) system, a significant increase from 2011 when only 28% of hospitals and 34% of physicians had adopted such systems​​. This indicates a substantial shift towards digitization in healthcare over the past decade.

Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 2
Hospital and Physician EHR Adoption

Despite these advancements, the adoption of AI and other advanced technologies has been slower. According to a 2023 report by HealthTech, 85% of healthcare executives believe AI can significantly improve patient care, yet only 62% have seen performance improvements from AI and automation initiatives​​. This suggests that while there is recognition of the potential benefits of AI, practical implementation and realizing these benefits remain hurdles.

These statistics underline the complexities and efforts involved in integrating new technologies into healthcare. Resistance from healthcare providers and the need for substantial investment in data management and cybersecurity are significant factors that must be addressed to achieve widespread adoption and utilization of these technologies.

Tip: Design intuitive technology and provide extensive training and support to encourage adoption and ease the integration process.

Make Sure That Health Plans Pay for the Service

Last but not least, ensuring that health plans cover telehealth services is critical for the viability and accessibility of these innovations. Without insurance coverage, even groundbreaking telehealth solutions may struggle to attract and retain users, as out-of-pocket costs can be prohibitively expensive for many patients. Effective coverage can lead to wider adoption and deeper integration into healthcare systems, making these services a standard part of medical care.

Tip: Engage with insurance companies from the outset to discuss inclusion of your services in health plans. This process involves the demonstration of the cost-effectiveness and health benefits of your offerings. Additionally, alliances with healthcare providers who advocate for the inclusion of telehealth services in insurance plans can be highly beneficial. 

In conclusion, the path for telehealth startups is full of challenges that demand careful navigation and strategic foresight. It is essential to understand the balance between innovation, market needs, financial health, and regulatory compliance. If startups learn from others’ mistakes and constantly adapt to the healthcare landscape, they can increase their chances of success and truly transform healthcare delivery. 

Telehealth Companies to Watch

Among many telehealth startups, certain companies stand out for their groundbreaking contributions to medical practice and patient care. Empeek’s team keeps an eye on the health startups so we prepared an analysis of the most dynamic virtual healthcare companies that are making a difference, expanding their reach, and setting new standards for telehealth worldwide.

Circle Medical

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Circle Medical, a preeminent telemedicine company, was founded in 2015 in the United States. It has established a strong partnership with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to ensure that its services meet high medical standards. As a primary care provider, Circle Medical offers the integration of in-person and virtual health services to provide continuous, comprehensive care. The platform caters primarily to the working-age population who are looking for convenient healthcare without compromising on quality.

Through its intuitive app, patients can schedule visits, access their medical records, and receive prescriptions. Moreover, the app allows for direct referrals to specialists that simplify the patient’s journey through various levels of care. The company has received positive feedback from users who appreciate the convenience and efficiency of its services, particularly the quality of care offered by their healthcare professionals. 


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Founded in 2021 in the United States, GetLabs addresses one of the most persistent challenges in telemedicine: laboratory testing. The company recognizes that many patients struggle with finding the time or means to visit a lab, and GetLabs brings the service to them. By offering laboratory visits in the home, they provide convenience and accessibility and improve patient compliance and treatment outcomes. 

The concept of GetLabs is simple. Through their platform, patients can book appointments at their convenience. A certified phlebotomist then visits the patient’s home or office to collect samples, which are sent to partner laboratories for analysis. This service is a boon for those with mobility issues or busy schedules and helps to minimize the anxiety associated with visits to traditional labs.

Their platform features a robust appointment booking system, real-time updates, and secure handling of medical data. The company ensures that both patients and healthcare providers can track the testing process efficiently and confidentially. 

Looking to the future, Getlabs has recently expanded its offerings to include Grail’s Galleri multi-cancer early detection test. The company wants to make it easier for patients to access the Galleri test through a convenient at-home blood draw service.

Sprinter Health

Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 5

Founded in 2021 in the United States, Sprinter Health was created with a vision to make health visits more accessible and convenient. The company’s target market consists of individuals who need blood draws, vital checks, or vaccinations but find it difficult to visit clinics due to time constraints or mobility issues. The solution looks simple, Sprinter Health sends medical professionals directly to homes or offices. 

Sprinter Health employs a fleet of mobile health professionals equipped with the necessary tools and technologies. They offer services that range from blood draws to administering vaccinations. Their platform enables users to easily schedule appointments, view the profiles of visiting professionals, and follow up on test results. Sprinter Health uses advanced data encryption to protect patient information and addresses the critical aspect of privacy in healthcare.


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Ora Group focuses on providing specialty treatments and care for various chronic conditions. The company’s suite of brands addresses critical gaps in men’s health, female reproductive healthcare, and dermatological care. Their approach combines the expertise of leading medical experts and includes notable figures like Dr. Steven Tucker and Ms. Rddhi Naidu, who guide the company’s strategic direction with a focus on chronic diseases and nutrition.

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The company reported over 6 million patient interactions and a satisfaction rate of around 80%. Clients can choose from various communication modes such as video calls, voice calls, or text messaging, to interact with health professionals. This flexibility guarantees that services are tailored to the comfort levels and needs of each client and enhances the effectiveness of the interventions. 

The recent fundraising of $10 million to expand their telehealth services across Asia underscores their ambitious plans for the future.


Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 7

Dialogue is a Canadian telemedicine company founded in 2016 aimed to make a positive change in employees’ work-life balance and retention. Their services are primarily targeted at employers who invest in the health and productivity of their workforce. 

Statistics from the company show that employers using Dialogue’s services see a 42% reduction in concerns about productivity and talent retention. Moreover, employees with access to Dialogue’s services report a 30% improvement in their work-life balance compared to those without which showcases the tangible benefits of this telemedicine solution.

The Dialogue app also serves as a virtual healthcare clinic. It provides users and their families with access to a wide range of healthcare professionals. These are licensed doctors, nurse practitioners, and healthcare specialists. The app enables users to seek medical consultations through chat, audio, or video calls and ensures healthcare is accessible from home, office, or while on the go. 


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Based in the United States, SteadyMD was founded in 2016 by Guy Friedman and Yarone Goren to deliver a digital-first approach to primary care and align patients with doctors who best match their lifestyles and health needs. SteadyMD pairs each patient with a doctor based on medical needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences. 

This model is designed to go beyond episodic care; it integrates comprehensive health management, from wellness advice to chronic condition monitoring. SteadyMD’s technology platform supports personalized care with tools for communication like video calls and messaging. The platform helps to manage health records, schedule appointments, and order lab tests directly. 

How Empeek Helps Telemedicine Startups Grow

Empeek specializes in innovative solutions that empower telemedicine startups to deliver better patient care and optimize operational efficiency. We help our clients reach their business goals faster by developing custom software solutions that integrate into existing healthcare systems. 

EHR for Behavioral Health

Our team of engineers developed a robust Electronic Health Record (EHR) system for Moodlifters, a program designed to enhance mental well-being through stress reduction and habit formation. This system supports both iOS and Android platforms and offers functionalities such as user-specific surveys, doctor appointment scheduling, achievement tracking, and rewards systems.

Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 9
UI of Mental Health EHR

This digital tool serves as a supplementary resource to traditional therapy and is widely adopted across various medical practices in the US, significantly enhancing patient engagement and treatment outcomes.

Remote Patient Monitoring Solution

In response to a growing need for sophisticated patient monitoring, our team developed a cutting-edge Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solution. This system allows patients to comfortably transmit crucial health data like heart rate and blood glucose levels from their homes directly to their healthcare teams. The RPM system utilizes cellular and Wi-Fi technology to ensure continuous, real-time health monitoring, facilitating prompt medical responses and reducing hospital readmissions.

Telemedicine Startup Pitfalls: An In-Depth Analysis of the Landscape, Unique Offerings, and Growth Potential 10
Remote Patient Monitoring Platform

Our approach to telemedicine solutions is characterized by a deep understanding of healthcare needs and the technological expertise to address them. Whether through enhancing mental health tracking or enabling advanced remote patient care, Empeek’s projects demonstrate our commitment to boosting healthcare delivery. Our engineering team goes to great lengths to ensure that telemedicine startups are well-equipped to face the future of healthcare.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up our look at telemedicine startups, it’s clear these companies are not just part of the healthcare industry—they are transforming it. Each startup we’ve reviewed offers unique features, technologies, and specialties and shows the flexibility and innovation in telemedicine. From Circle Medical’s blend of in-person and virtual care to GetLabs’ at-home lab services, these companies demonstrate how technology can make healthcare more accessible.

These companies are committed to ongoing innovation, responding to patient needs and technological advancements, which promises a future where healthcare is more personalized and accessible.

As more investments pour into the telemedicine sector, driven by its growing potential, we can expect further advancements and new companies entering the field. The journey of telemedicine is far from over; it continues to evolve with each technological breakthrough and will lead to greater transformations in healthcare.


How much does it cost to start telehealth?

Launching a telehealth service can involve a wide range of costs, which can vary widely based on the complexity and breadth of services provided. Essential expenditures include software development, securing a compliant platform, personnel training, and marketing. Expenses might range from a modest sum for a minimal viable product to substantial amounts for a comprehensive setup with advanced features. For a detailed exploration of these costs, you can read more in our blog post Cost of Implementing a Telehealth System”.

Is the telehealth business profitable?

Telehealth has the potential to be highly profitable, particularly as demand for remote healthcare services grows. Profitability depends on factors such as user acquisition, cost management, and effective monetization strategies. Successful telehealth services can benefit from recurring revenue streams, high customer retention, and scaling capabilities.

How does telehealth generate revenue?

Revenue in telehealth is typically generated through several key streams: subscription models, per-consultation fees, enterprise partnerships with health systems, and additional services like prescription fulfillment or medical equipment sales. Each revenue stream contributes to overall profitability by maximizing the value offered to users and partners.

What are the largest telemedicine companies in the U.S.?

Prominent telemedicine companies in the U.S. include Teladoc Health, which offers a broad range of healthcare services remotely; Amwell, known for its virtual doctor visits; MDLive, which provides virtual urgent care, and Doctor on Demand, recognized for its on-demand and scheduled visit capabilities. These companies lead the market in terms of reach, technological innovation, and variety of services.

What are the challenges and opportunities in telemedicine?

Telemedicine faces significant challenges such as data privacy concerns, the need for technological integration with existing health systems, and varying state regulations. Conversely, the opportunities are robust, including the ability to extend healthcare access to remote areas, decrease healthcare delivery costs, and improve patient engagement through technology-enhanced services.

What are some startup challenges unique to the healthcare field?

Startups in healthcare encounter unique hurdles including stringent regulatory requirements, the need for significant upfront investment, and the critical importance of building trust with patients and healthcare professionals. Moreover, integrating new solutions into entrenched healthcare systems presents both a technical and cultural challenge.

What are examples of niche telemedicine companies?

Niche telemedicine companies focus on specific areas of health, such as Roman, which concentrates on men’s health; Maven Clinic, which caters to women’s and family health; and Talkspace, which offers mental health services through an online therapy platform. These companies tailor their services to meet the particular needs of distinct patient groups, filling gaps left by traditional healthcare providers.

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Alex Shpachuk Alex Shpachuk CEO
Alex Shpachuk is the owner and strategic partner of Empeek. His effective leadership and a visionary approach to the future of healthcare turned the company into a dynamic environment attracting the brightest minds with the common vision for product impact and service excellence. With over a decade of experience in software engineering and comprehensive knowledge of designing and deploying tailor-made solutions for healthcare providers, Alex channels his passion for software development and consulting into the written word.

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