Telehealth Solutions

Our experts develop custom telehealth software solutions that expand the availability, efficiency, and scope of healthcare services while ensuring convenient communication between patients and providers through online channels.

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Advanced Telehealth Solutions

Digital telehealth solutions have become a type of healthcare services that every medical facility must offer to stay competitive. The spread of telecommunications has raised the bar for what patients expect from providers, and accessibility and flexibility are among the main demands.

If you want to enter the market with an advanced telemedicine app or integrate one in your organization, our engineering team can help. We build custom telehealth software from scratch, optimize legacy apps, and assist with third-party integrations. Telemedicine implementation allows you to reduce the load on your medical staff, avoid unnecessary ED visits, make your services available in rural and underserved areas, and gain many other advantages. Patients will appreciate the convenience of real-time consultations and follow-up care at their fingertips.

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We Take Full Care of the Tech Part

Our Focus

From idea validation to MVP development and product release, we bring the right technical skills and operational support. We organize and manage custom telehealth software development on our side, keeping your business needs and goals in mind.

Your Focus

While we do the heavy technology work, you can focus on healthcare quality and patient satisfaction. Telehealth solutions bring automation and optimization that allow you to channel the effort into more strategic directions, like expanding your services and providing more people with better care.

Telehealth Solutions We Develop

We ensure that custom telehealth solutions perfectly align with your operational goals and can build software for regular use or very narrow domains, like nursing or pediatrics. Since every medical practice requires a unique digital approach, we design telehealth software to enhance your specific service offerings.

Primary Care Telehealth Solutions

For primary care providers, we build telehealth solutions that enable continuity of care and appointment management. Our telemedicine software supports routine check-ups, chronic disease management, and general health maintenance with tools for electronic health records, medical recipient tracking, appointment management, and easy scheduling. Such systems streamline the patient journey from appointment scheduling to follow-ups, ensuring consistent and comprehensive care.

Urgent Care Telehealth Solutions

Advanced telemedicine solutions for emergency care must guarantee speed and responsiveness. Understanding the critical nature of these services, we create telehealth apps that support rapid patient triage, immediate virtual consultations, and emergency protocols. Our software ensures timely help for patients and allows healthcare providers to manage high volumes of emergency care requests efficiently.

Specialty Care Telehealth Solutions

Telehealth solutions for specialty care are tailored to complex care pathways and medical conditions that require more careful treatment and management. Our telemedicine services incorporate advanced telemedicine functionalities such as high-resolution imaging and secure communication channels for in-depth telemedicine consultations. They enable clinicians to evaluate the patient’s condition to provide consulting, manage follow-up care, or forward them to a medical facility.

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Build Secure And Interoperable Bespoke Digital Solutions

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Why Create Custom Telehealth Software Solutions

Creating custom telehealth solutions for your health practice isn’t just about keeping up with industry trends — it’s about taking a strategic step towards scalability, customization, reach, and improved return on investment. With a system built around your specific needs, you gain a competitive edge, offering a level of service that mass-market software cannot match. 

Easy to Scale 

Integrated telehealth solutions are inherently designed for growth, allowing for easy updates without service interruptions. Tailor-made digital telehealth solutions and software can expand functionality, accommodate more users, and integrate new services as your practice grows, all while maintaining the security and compliance crucial for healthcare providers.

Improve ROI 

Investing in custom telehealth solutions often leads to a significant improvement in ROI, with the dual advantage of cost savings and increased revenue. Your business can operate more efficiently by reducing no-shows, optimizing appointment management, and cutting overhead costs associated with in-person telehealth visits.

Customized to Your Type of Practice

Custom telemedicine services fit your practice’s specific needs and processes. It ensures that the technology is a perfect match to support your internal operations and enhance patient care. With custom software, you can adopt the most suitable architecture and integrate third-party solutions without limitations.

Reach More People

Custom telemedicine solutions break down geographical barriers, allowing you to reach patients who are remote, immobile, or otherwise unable to visit a doctor in person. It makes quality healthcare services available to people regardless of location, considerably increasing your target audience.

Features of Custom Telehealth Software

Reimbursement for E-Visits

Integration with insurance billing systems ensures that telehealth services are reimbursed accordingly, streamlining the payment process for both providers and patients. This feature also includes detailed reporting capabilities for transparent tracking of claims and reimbursements, which is crucial for financial planning and audit.

Scheduling Online and On-site Consultation

A scheduling module that enables the coordination of virtual and physical appointments, allowing physicians to manage their calendars and patient flow. The scheduling system has customizable templates for different visit types, and it can easily accommodate last-minute changes or cancellations, minimizing administrative strain and improving patient satisfaction.

Visit Reminders

An automated system that sends reminders of appointments to physicians and patients reduces no-shows that can disrupt the doctor’s daily schedule. You can also tailor such notifications to include additional instructions for preparation before a procedure and integrate them with personal calendar applications to enable participants to manage appointments.

Medication Management

This telehealth solution feature assists doctors in managing and tracking patient prescriptions, including order refills, appointment scheduling, dosage management, and compliance with medication regimens. It not only enhances patient adherence but also incorporates decision-support tools to alert patients and physicians about potential drug interactions, allergies, and other contraindications, thereby improving the safety of pharmaceutical care.

Secure Messaging

Video calls, synchronous and asynchronous messages are the basic features of integrated telehealth solutions. Encrypted communication channels allow clinicians to securely exchange information with colleagues and communicate directly with patients, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA.

Health Record Integration

Smooth integration with electronic health records (EHR) gives physicians immediate access to medical histories, test results, and previous consultations. It facilitates informed decision-making and continuity of care. Additionally, this integration enables real-time updates to patient records, ensuring that all health team members are informed of any changes in a patient’s status or treatment plan.

AI-Assisted Diagnostics

AI capabilities in telehealth solutions assist doctors in diagnosing patients and checking symptoms for accurate and timely care. They process large data volumes to generate helpful insights on a patient’s health, which doctors rely on to assign treatment, evaluate its effectiveness, and predict the possibility of complications.

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Create Doctor-Patient Cloud Apps to Manage Health Conditions

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Why Empeek For Custom Telehealth Solutions?

HIPAA-Compliant Development

We ensure all solutions meet HIPAA standards, safeguarding patients’ data integrity.

A Team of Experienced Healthcare Tech Experts

We focus on healthcare engineering as our core expertise, having experience with telehealth, EHR, medical device software, RMP, and IoT systems.

Deep Understanding of Business Logic

We understand the complex aspects of the healthcare telemedicine industry and develop custom solutions with unique functionality that bring maximum benefits in each business case.

8+ Years of Experience

With over eight years in the field, we offer seasoned expertise in telehealth implementation for doctors who just started their private practice and enterprises.

Promote Radical Transparency

We’re committed to open communication and clear engineering processes, providing our clients with regular deliverables and continuous communication.

Customized Solutions for Diverse Needs

We carefully analyze how you work and what problems you aim to fix with software to build solutions that optimize unique clinical workflows and approaches.

RPM Software That Supports up to 10k Monitoring Patients And Devices

We built a custom RPM solution that allows the care team to obtain all the necessary health metrics and make people comfortable with health data measurement.

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AI-powered Heart Monitoring

Our client addresses limitations in real-time heart monitoring through an AI-powered platform. Leveraging big data and cardiologist knowledge, Empeek designed a machine learning algorithms to enable automated heart issue classification, minimizing human intervention.

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Drug Testing Software With Billing Module

  • Customers gain transparency into real-time applicant status;
  • Cost Reduction: Lower overhead and staffing needs;
  • Random test assignment ensures unbiased, compliant programs.
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What Clients Say

I am most impressed with the high quality of design and development, which is really important to us.  They have designed the product to be extensible, with a solid base and architectural backend to allow for product implementation and design scaling. Also, the product hasn’t been buggy at all, so we can support it without difficulty.

As an ongoing partner, they continue to dedicate a communicative, highly skilled team that meets deadlines and stays on budget.

Nathaniel Weiss, CEO at VelloHealth

We were building an MVP that will eventually serve as a full personal health record (PHR) solutions platform. The quality of their work was excellent. They’re a very smart, informed company that understands how to create a functionally-sound platform. They provide accurate cost estimates and timelines, which is very helpful as well. I enjoyed working with them. 

Jessica Blanding, Owner at Text and Online Counseling

Our Tech Stack

Cloud hosting
google cloud11
Microsoft SQL Server
Build Server
azure devops

Tools That We Use

azure devops


How much does developing a telehealth app with remote patient monitoring features cost?

The development cost for a home telehealth app with remote patient education and monitoring features can start from $20,000 for a basic build, escalating beyond $250,000 for a comprehensive telehealth software with advanced features, depending on design complexity and compliance needs. The cost also depends on the geographical location of an engineering team, with Eastern Europe considered an optimum price-quality match.

In addition to telehealth software development, hardware considerations for remote patient monitoring can affect the cost. The type and number of hardware devices needed can add to the overall expense, and integrating these hardware components can introduce additional complexity and potential costs of your telehealth software. Ongoing expenses, including maintenance and appointment management, must also be factored into the budget, typically running at 15-20% of the initial development cost per year.

What should I have for our first call?

Ahead of your telehealth app development discussion, prepare a project overview detailing the problem telehealth software will address and a feature list categorized by priority. Understanding your business model is key, so be ready to explain how the telehealth platform fits into your larger business strategy, who your target users are, and their needs. Awareness of healthcare regulations, like HIPAA, that your telehealth software must adhere to is also crucial for a clear development pathway.

Practicality is equally important. Keep in mind the budget range and timeline, as well as any existing workflow documentation, if integration with current systems is necessary. Asking questions about the development team’s processes and experience will help you evaluate its suitability for your project. If you plan to disclose confidential information, prepare a non-disclosure agreement (or we will provide you with one). These steps will make the kick-off easier and help lay a solid foundation for developing your custom telehealth software.

What technology to use for telehealth solutions?

For integrated telehealth solutions, the tech stack typically involves a mix of front-end and back-end technologies. On the front end, popular choices include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with frameworks like React or Angular for web apps, and Swift or Kotlin for native iOS and Android apps respectively. Cross-platform mobile development may require React Native or Flutter. The back-end development may involve languages like Python or Java and frameworks such as Django or Spring Boot, with databases like PostgreSQL or MongoDB. Overall, the tech stack depends on the desired functionality, such as real-time communication, AI capabilities, and integration with existing systems.

The infrastructure is often cloud-based, utilizing platforms and services like AWS or Azure for their scalability and compliance features, essential for meeting healthcare regulations like HIPAA. Real-time communication is powered by WebRTC or APIs from services like Twilio, while AI elements may leverage TensorFlow or PyTorch. Security is paramount, with SSL/TLS for encryption and OAuth for authentication, ensuring data protection and privacy. Integration with existing EHRs via HL7 FHIR and IoT connectivity for remote monitoring is also common, offering a comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly telehealth experience.

How many patients can your telehealth solutions support?

The ability to enroll patients on a telehealth platform largely depends on the scalability of the telehealth system, its architecture and infrastructure. Key considerations include the server’s ability to handle high traffic, a scalable database for patient records, and the efficiency of the application design, which if based on a microservices architecture, can typically handle more concurrent users. Using cloud services such as AWS, Azure or Google Cloud allows you to dynamically expand the number of users based on real-time demand.

The practical limit for user registration also depends on bandwidth, computing resources to support video consultations and appointments, and the limitations of access to any integrated third-party services. A well-designed and supported telehealth platform can serve thousands to millions of patients if the technical framework and support structures are scaled appropriately to accommodate user growth.

What is the team composition for custom telehealth development?

To create custom telehealth solutions, you need a multidisciplinary development team. Key roles include a project manager, a business analyst who translates clinical needs into technical requirements, UX/UI designers, front-end and back-end developers. The team must also include quality assurance engineers who will carefully test the software to eliminate bugs and flaws.

The size and exact composition of the team may vary based on the scale and complexity of the telehealth software, including specialists for advanced features like AI or IoT where necessary.

Is the telehealth software you develop HIPPA compliant?

Yes, we develop all healthcare solutions with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines in mind. We integrate robust security measures, including end-to-end data encryption, secure user authentication, and regular compliance audits, to protect patient information. We also provide ongoing software monitoring and updates to safeguard the software against evolving threats. 

Our approach to integration ensures that your software is not only compliant upon launch but continues to adhere to HIPAA standards with evolving healthcare regulations.

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Reliable Software delivery partner is closer than you think

  • HIPAA & GDPR compliance
  • 4.9 Rating on clutch
  • A winning tech stack
  • In-house team of versatile experts
  • Proven expertise in healthtech development

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