Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches

In a world where technology transforms daily life, healthcare has taken a bold leap forward with telemedicine. Whether you need urgent care, mental health support, or routine check-ups, telehealth has you covered. All of these patients can access from home, usually at a lower cost than traditional care.

From virtual doctor visits to remote monitoring, the telemedicine industry is vast and diverse, so it’s necessary to conduct a detailed study before investing in any solution. But with so many options in the telemedicine market, how do you choose the best? Who are the trailblazers driving this change? 

This blog post dives into the vibrant world of telemedicine and explores its rapid growth and the key players that dominate the market. Let’s dive in!

Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches 1

Telemedicine Industry Overview

The telemedicine market is quite complex, with multiple stakeholders shaping it. That’s why you should conduct a thorough analysis from different perspectives before investing in telehealth development and implementation. When developing a solution, it is crucial to assess both the demand for it and its potential popularity among healthcare providers and patients.

Therefore, here we break down the telemedicine industry into three key categories: general, healthcare provider, and patient trends. Understanding these trends will provide essential insights and help you tap into the potential of this dynamic industry.

General Market Trends and Tendencies

Telemedicine has seen remarkable growth and innovation, driven by technological advancements. Here are some key trends:

  • Market Growth: The global telemedicine market was valued at approximately $87.41 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $286.22 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 17.2%​.
  • Global Telemedicine Market: North America holds the largest share of the global telemedicine market, accounting for 33.5% of the total market.
  • Adoption: In the US, Baby Boomers are the most telemedicine users, accounting for 24.6% of the total usage, while Gen Z are the least frequent users, making up only 17.6%.

Trends Among Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers turn to telemedicine to enhance care delivery and address workforce challenges. Here are the main drivers that make them invest in telehealth:

  • Efficiency Gains: 88% of physicians state that telehealth enhanced clinical outcomes and work efficiency
  • Workforce Shortages: By 2025, the Mercer company predicts a deficit exceeding 400,000 home health aides and 29,400 nurse practitioners. Other healthcare professions will face similar shortages. 
  • Increased Use: In 2023, 44% of physicians reported using telemedicine at least once a week, and 40% used it daily. Additionally, in 2022, telehealth made up 25% of all appointments for 65% of American physicians.
  • Positive Attitudes: 65% of physicians express satisfaction with their telehealth solutions​​.

Trends Among Patients

Patients embrace telemedicine for its convenience and accessibility, particularly in areas with limited access to quality healthcare. Here are the latest trends in telehealth use by patients:

  • Higher Satisfaction Rates: Remote consultations have improved patient satisfaction rates by 30%​​.
  • Shift in Telemedicine: Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 66% of adults in the US had concerns about the quality of telemedicine. However, this perspective shifted significantly after the pandemic, and by 2021, 88% of adults preferred using telemedicine.
  • Growing Telemedicine Use for Mental Health: Nearly 80% of telehealth appointments for rural beneficiaries in 2023 were focused on mental health conditions.
  • Popular Communication Channels: While video calls are the preferred communication channel for telehealth users (used by 94%), other common channels include phone calls (used by 73%) and messaging services (used by 26%)​​.

As you can see, the telemedicine industry is rapidly evolving, providing numerous opportunities for innovation and growth. By understanding key trends in the overall market dynamics, healthcare providers and stakeholders can make informed decisions, invest wisely, and stay competitive in the evolving telemedicine market.

Top Telehealth Solution Providers and What They Do

The telehealth industry has experienced significant growth, with various telemedicine companies offering innovative solutions to meet the demand for remote healthcare. Below, we explore the top ten best telehealth service providers according to Definitive Healthcare’s Research and highlight their unique offerings and standout features.

Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches 2
Zoom Video Communications Inc.

Zoom has become a leading platform for telehealth services. The company provides high-quality video conferencing that supports virtual medical consultations, remote patient monitoring, and medical education. Its secure and user-friendly interface makes it a preferred choice for many healthcare providers. Key features include HIPAA-compliant video calls, easy scheduling, and robust security measures.

Best Telehealth Services:

  • Zoom for Healthcarе
  • Zoom Video Webinars


Amwell offers a comprehensive telehealth platform that supports urgent care, behavioral health, and specialty consultations. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing healthcare systems and provides features such as electronic health record (EHR) integration, advanced analytics, and customizable workflows. Amwell is known for its wide range of services tailored to various care settings.

Telehealth Services:

  • Amwell Urgent Care
  • Amwell Behavioral Health
  • Amwell Specialty Consults

Proprietary Software

Many healthcare organizations develop proprietary telehealth solutions tailored to their specific needs. These custom solutions often include secure messaging, remote patient monitoring, appointment scheduling, and teleconsultations. They are designed to enhance patient engagement and streamline healthcare delivery.

Telehealth Services:

  • Custom telehealth platforms
  • Secure patient portals
  • Integrated remote monitoring, one of the largest telemedicine companies, provides a simple, web-based telemedicine solution that requires no downloads or installations. It offers secure video conferencing for patient consultations, with virtual waiting rooms, patient queuing, and session recording. It is particularly popular among smaller practices and individual providers due to its ease of use and cost-effectiveness.

Telehealth Services:

  • Free Plan
  • Professional
  • Clinic
  • Enterprise

Cisco Systems

Cisco offers robust telehealth solutions through its Webex platform, known for its secure and reliable video conferencing capabilities. Cisco’s solutions are effective for virtual consultations, emergency telemedicine, and remote patient management. Features include high-definition video, secure data transmission, and interoperability with various healthcare IT systems.

Telehealth Services:

  • Cisco Webex Telehealth
  • Cisco Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Cisco Secure Video Consultations

Teladoc provides a wide range of telehealth services, including virtual medical consultations, telepsychiatry, and chronic condition management. Its best telemedicine platform leverages AI-driven insights to enhance patient care and integrates seamlessly with existing healthcare systems. This telehealth company is particularly known for its comprehensive mental health services and extensive provider network.

Telehealth Services:

  • Teladoc Global Doctor Consultations
  • Teladoc Mental Health Services
  • Teladoc Chronic Care Management
Poly (formerly Plantronics and Polycom)

Poly offers advanced video and audio solutions tailored for telehealth applications. Their products include high-definition video conferencing systems, audio devices, and collaboration tools designed to support virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring. Poly’s solutions are known for their reliability and high-quality performance.

Telehealth Services:

  • Poly Video Conferencing Solutions
  • Poly Telehealth Station Video Communication System
  • Poly Collaboration Tools
Philips Healthcare

Philips Healthcare provides a range of telehealth solutions focused on remote patient monitoring and teleconsultations. Their best telehealth platform includes advanced features such as predictive analytics, real-time patient monitoring, and integration with various health information systems. Philips is recognized for its innovative approach to improving patient outcomes through technology.

Telehealth Services:

  • Philips Telehealth Solutions
  • Philips Patient Monitoring
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft offers telehealth solutions through its Microsoft Teams platform, which supports secure video consultations, patient management, and collaboration among healthcare professionals. Microsoft Teams integrates with EHR systems and provides robust security features, making it a versatile tool for telehealth services.

Telehealth Services:

  • Microsoft Teams for Healthcare
  • Microsoft Healthcare Collaboration

Vidyo provides video communication solutions specifically designed for telehealth and offers high-quality video conferencing, secure data transmission, and integration with healthcare applications. Vidyo’s platform supports virtual consultations, remote diagnostics, and patient monitoring, with a focus on enhancing accessibility and patient care.

Telehealth Services:

  • Vidyo Telemedicine Solutions
  • Vidyo Patient Monitoring

Comparison of Top Telehealth Solution Providers 

Here is a comparative overview of the top telemedicine companies, highlighting their primary services, unique features, and vendor market share.

CompanyPrimary ServicesUnique FeaturesMarket Share
ZoomVideo consultations, medical education, remote monitoringUser-friendly interface, high-quality video35.96%
AmwellUrgent care, behavioral health, specialty consultationsEHR integration, customizable workflows13.16%
Proprietary SoftwareCustom telehealth platforms, secure messaging, remote monitoringTailored solutions, enhanced patient engagement11.99%
Doxy.meSecure video conferencing, virtual waiting rooms, session recordingNo downloads required, cost-effective11.34%
Cisco SystemsVideo consultations, remote patient management, emergency telemedicineHigh-definition video, secure data transmission10.22%
TeladocVirtual consultations, telepsychiatry, chronic care managementAI-driven insights, mental health focus9.71%
PolyVideo conferencing, audio devices, collaboration toolsHigh-definition video, reliable performance7.06%
Philips HealthcareRemote patient monitoring, teleconsultationsPredictive analytics, real-time monitoring7.00%
Microsoft CorporationVideo consultations, patient management, healthcare collaborationEHR integration, robust security6.30%
VidyoVideo communication, remote diagnostics, patient monitoringHigh-quality video, secure data transmission3.72%

These providers offer diverse and innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of the telehealth industry.

Where There Is Still Space for Investment in Telehealth

For successful investment in telehealth, it’s essential to identify niches that are either underserved or experiencing rapid growth. It makes you more likely to develop or implement a product that will benefit patients and providers through its rare and valuable functionality.

Below are key areas that, based on recent trends in the telehealth sector, present promising opportunities for investment.

Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches 3
Use of Data for Differentiated Experience

The use of big data and analytics enables telehealth providers to offer personalized care plans, predictive health insights, and tailored wellness programs. When telemedicine companies invest in advanced data analytics, they can distinguish themselves through superior patient experiences, better health outcomes, and enhanced operational efficiency. Providing personalized, data-driven healthcare solutions is a crucial competitive advantage in the telehealth market.

According to McKinsey, 44 percent of surveyed consumers are open to sharing their personal and health data with healthcare providers — a two-times higher rate than for technology or retail companies. Despite this opportunity, healthcare organizations have not yet fully embraced the use of personal and health data to create a unique and tailored experience. 

Furthermore, over half of the survey respondents expressed a desire to use their personal data for managing chronic illnesses, receiving individualized health and wellness insights, or obtaining customized product and insurance recommendations.

To effectively capitalize on this trend, healthcare organizations can integrate personalization into every aspect of the consumer journey with advanced data analytics and AI capabilities, including generative AI. 

Health & Wellness Integration

Consumers are driving healthcare growth by seeking personalized, convenient, and comprehensive care solutions that go beyond traditional medical treatment. As consumers increasingly prioritize holistic health, integrating wellness features into telehealth services can provide a significant competitive advantage.

What features do users crave the most? According to McKinsey, eating healthy,  exercising, managing mental health, getting to or maintaining an ideal weight, and monitoring sleep are the most common wellness activities. At the same time, consumers are only 35-42% satisfied with how healthcare organizations currently support these activities.

Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches 4

Therefore, businesses that integrate wellness features like fitness tracking, nutrition advice, and mental health support into telehealth platforms can attract a broader user base and improve patient engagement. 

This approach aligns with the growing consumer demand for seamless, all-in-one health management solutions that cater to both physical and mental well-being. Companies that invest in these integrated solutions can tap into a market driven by proactive health management and preventative care, thus positioning themselves as leaders in the healthcare landscape.

Chronic Care Management

The aging population has led to an increase in chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, respiratory conditions, hypertension, and obesity, along with numerous mental health challenges such as depression, creating significant public health concerns. These chronic diseases require ongoing management and continuous monitoring. It makes telehealth an ideal platform to deliver such care. Telehealth solutions can offer regular virtual check-ins, remote monitoring of vital signs, and personalized treatment plans to improve the quality of life for patients with chronic conditions.

Investing in technology that facilitates chronic care management can reduce healthcare costs by minimizing hospital visits and preventing complications through early intervention. Furthermore, when telehealth solution providers integrate telehealth with wearable devices and remote monitoring tools, they can provide real-time patient data. That will enable more accurate and timely adjustments to treatment plans. 

Mental Health Solutions

The United States virtual mental health services market was valued at USD 1.63 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.09%, reaching USD 2.88 billion by 2028. This growth is driven by the prevalence of mental disorders, technological advancements in telehealth, and the increased need for mental health services post-COVID-19​. Investing in telehealth solutions that focus on mental health can address the growing need for therapy, counseling, and psychiatric services. 

Telehealth platforms offer video consultations, chat-based therapy, and digital mental health tools, making mental health care more accessible to those facing barriers to traditional in-person therapy. Additionally, telehealth can help reduce the stigma associated with looking for mental health care by providing a more private and convenient way to access services. 

Companies investing in mental health development can capture a significant share of this growing market and improve overall mental health outcomes.

Health Promotion and Prevention

The future of healthcare involves a significant shift towards preventive care and health promotion to reduce the incidence of diseases and manage health proactively. Telehealth platforms can be crucial in this shift by offering educational resources, preventive screenings, and health risk assessments.

Governments and healthcare sectors globally are facing rapidly growing healthcare spending, which puts immense pressure on their budgets. Without a strategic shift, this burden will only increase. Prevention, particularly through telehealth, offers a promising solution. According to a Deloitte report, transitioning to proactive health management and early diagnosis can enhance cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and patient outcomes. By focusing on prevention, telehealth companies can help mitigate rising healthcare costs and offer solutions that would be in high demand.

Telehealth services can help individuals make informed decisions about their health and adopt healthier lifestyles. Furthermore, telehealth can facilitate early detection and intervention for various health conditions, which can reduce the need for more intensive and costly treatments later. By focusing on health promotion and prevention, telehealth companies can enhance patient outcomes and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare systems.

By identifying and investing in these high-potential areas within telehealth, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of the healthcare revolution and deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers alike.

Empeek for Telehealth Software Development

Empeek is a team of experts who understand the healthcare industry’s specifics and develop functional, user-friendly solutions that comply with industry standards. Our expertise spans various domains and includes electronic health records (EHR), remote patient monitoring, and telemedicine platforms.

Check some of our completed projects or a full selection of case studies

  • HIPAA-Compliant EHR and Telemedicine Platform: Our team developed a secure and efficient EHR and telemedicine platform to replace a legacy system. This solution improved data management and accessibility for healthcare providers and enhanced overall operational efficiency.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring Solution Development: Empeek created a remote patient monitoring solution that allows healthcare providers to track patients’ health metrics in real-time. This project improved patient outcomes through timely interventions and continuous health monitoring.
Telemedicine Industry Overview With Top Telehealth Solution Providers and Free Niches 5
Remote Patient Monitoring Solution

By focusing on core healthcare areas, Empeek provides innovative and effective telehealth solutions that help providers deliver better care, improve patient satisfaction, and reduce operational costs.

Best Telemedicine Platforms: Bottomline

The telemedicine landscape is buzzing with innovation, thanks to the efforts of industry leaders like Zoom, Amwell, and These companies have changed how we access healthcare, making it easier and more convenient for patients and providers.

The potential of telemedicine is immense, and as the industry continues to grow, it will play an increasingly important role in healthcare delivery. Understanding the capabilities and offerings of top telehealth solution providers can help organizations make informed decisions, optimize their telehealth strategies, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. The future of healthcare is bright, and telemedicine is at the heart of this transformation.

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Written by:
Roman Konstantinov Roman Konstantinov Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Roman is the co-founder of Empeek who brings a breadth of knowledge to build, scale and transform healthcare organizations. He specializes in revitalizing struggling businesses and turning them into profitable enterprises. By emphasizing automation and effectively navigating the transition from startup to a sustainable and scalable model, Roman drives remarkable transformations to ensure long-term success.

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