Remote Patient Monitoring: Considerations & Best Practices

In the evolving healthcare landscape, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) has emerged as a prominent technology. With a whopping 28% increase in its adoption since 2021, the need for remote patient monitoring tips and its effective implementation has increased significantly. Now, RPM has evolved into an indispensable asset in healthcare management. The global RPM market is set to reach a staggering $175.2 billion by 2027, reflecting not just an advancement in technology but also a paradigm shift in the healthcare approach. 

The global RPM market is set to reach $175.2 billion by 2027

But wait, what exactly is remote patient monitoring? It is an innovative system that enables healthcare professionals to monitor patients outside of conventional clinical settings – think of it as a hospital-at-home. It uses gadgets to keep track of your health data, such as heart rate and blood pressure, and sends it straight to your healthcare provider.

So, if something looks off, your doctor can give you a heads-up without you setting foot in a clinic. Nobody likes waiting in lines or scheduling appointments for small check-ins. It’s perfect for keeping an eye on ongoing health issues, and it’s even been a game-changer for people living in far-off places.

So, let’s dive into the ins and outs of remote patient monitoring best practices and find out more about how to leverage remote patient monitoring.

Why Remote Patient Monitoring is Important

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is significant due to its numerous benefits in improving healthcare delivery and outcomes:

Improved Patient Outcomes

Using remote patient monitoring correctly leads to timely intervention and personalized treatment plans. This significantly contributes to better health outcomes for patients. According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in 2020, RPM has been shown to reduce mortality rates in patients with chronic conditions by 40%.


It reduces healthcare costs by minimizing hospital visits and admissions and optimizing resource allocation. A report by the US Department of Health & Human Services states that remote patient monitoring programs can save between $3,380 to more than $10,000 per patient per year.

Increased Accessibility

RPM makes healthcare accessible to those in remote or underserved areas, bridging the gap between patients and providers. According to the FCC’s Broadband Deployment Report, telehealth services like RPM can bring healthcare to over 21 million Americans who lack access to high-speed internet.

Remote Patient Monitoring: Considerations & Best Practices 1

Enhanced Patient Engagement

It empowers patients to take an active role in managing their health by giving them real-time insight into their health data. According to the American Medical Informatics Association, patient engagement via RPM led to 47.9% of patients achieving blood pressure control compared to 31.3% in usual care.

Reduced Strain on Healthcare Systems

By effectively managing chronic conditions and preventing hospital readmissions, RPM reduces the strain on healthcare facilities. A study by the Veterans Health Administration found that the use of RPM led to a 20% reduction in admissions and a 25% reduction in bed days of care.

Safety During Pandemics

In situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, RPM provides a safer alternative for healthcare delivery without the risk of infection. According to the Journal of Informatics in Health and Biomedicine, RPM reduced healthcare professionals’ exposure to the virus by 75% and preserved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Considerations For Remote Patient Monitoring Implementation

For healthcare providers seeking to leverage the benefits, it is imperative to focus on considerations for RPM implementation. When introducing RPM within a telehealthcare setting, several factors become critical to ensure the program’s effectiveness, regulatory compliance, and benefits for both patients and healthcare organizations.

  • Selection of Appropriate Technology: The choice of technology stands as one of the paramount considerations in remote patient monitoring. It’s essential to opt for reliable devices and software capable of accurately monitoring and transmitting the required health data. Moreover, the chosen technology should be user-friendly to encourage patient adoption.
  • Secure and HIPAA-Compliant Platforms: The platform utilized for RPM must adhere to HIPAA compliance standards to guarantee the utmost security and confidentiality of patient data. This involves encrypting data both during transmission and while at rest, and ensuring that only authorized personnel can access patient information.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: The RPM system should seamlessly integrate with current medical systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This ensures a streamlined workflow and prevents the creation of data silos.
  • Customization and Personalization: Healthcare needs differ from one patient to another. The RPM program should offer customization to align with the specific requirements of each patient. This encompasses configuring personalized thresholds and alerts based on individual health conditions.
  • Support and Troubleshooting: A robust support system should be in place to assist both patients and healthcare providers with any issues they may encounter with the RPM technology. Prompt troubleshooting is vital for maintaining the continuity and reliability of monitoring.
Remote Patient Monitoring: Considerations & Best Practices 2
  • Clinical Workflow Integration: When implementing RPM, it’s crucial to consider the existing clinical workflow. Healthcare professionals should have well-defined protocols for responding to data received from RPM devices, including procedures for addressing abnormal readings.
  • Patient Engagement Strategies: Maintaining patient engagement is a key factor in RPM success. This can involve regular feedback, encouragement, and explanations of how RPM contributes to their overall health and well-being.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: In addition to HIPAA compliance, it’s essential to ensure that the RPM program aligns with all relevant federal, state, and local regulations governing telehealth and patient data handling.
  • Cost and Reimbursement: Comprehending the costs associated with RPM program implementation and maintenance is a critical aspect of virtual care. Additionally, exploring reimbursement options available through insurance and government programs is vital for ensuring financial sustainability.

Your next read: How Remote Monitoring Software Disrupts the Healthcare Sector

Best Practices for Successful Remote Patient Monitoring

Unlocking the full benefits of a patient health monitoring system hinges on adhering to best practices that guarantee data accuracy, security, patient engagement, and seamless integration into healthcare workflows. Here’s a look at some of the best remote patient monitoring tips.

Remote Patient Monitoring: Considerations & Best Practices 3
Establishing Clear Goals and Objectives
Establishing clear goals and objectives is essential as it forms the bedrock for a streamlined, focused, and purpose-driven program. When a unified vision is shared among healthcare providers, staff, and patients, the program can adeptly navigate towards heightened patient care and optimal resource allocation.

Well-defined goals serve as the foundation for crafting targeted care plans tailored to achieve specific outcomes, such as reducing hospital readmissions. They ensure a rational distribution of resources and create benchmarks for measuring performance. To lay the groundwork for robust goals, commence by consulting a range of stakeholders, including healthcare providers, administrators, and patients, to gain a comprehensive understanding of needs and challenges.

Ensure that these goals align with the broader objectives of the healthcare organization, and apply the SMART criteria for goal setting. Once established, effectively communicate the goals among all stakeholders and institute regular reviews to ensure they stay aligned with evolving healthcare standards.
Training Healthcare Professionals And Staff
Within the mosaic of essential steps for an effective RPM program, the training of healthcare professionals and staff stands out as a central piece. The adage, ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest link,’ rings particularly true here, as the effectiveness of an RPM program heavily hinges on the competence of those who operate, manage, and respond to it.

The scope of training encompasses technical proficiency, data interpretation, patient communication, and response protocols. It’s crucial for healthcare professionals not only to grasp how to operate the devices but also to comprehend data within its context, communicate effectively with patients, and understand appropriate response measures.

Acknowledging that healthcare is an ever-evolving field, training must be regarded as a dynamic and ongoing process. Regular updates and refresher courses are necessary to keep in step with technological advancements and emerging healthcare trends.
Incorporating Patient Feedback And Addressing Concerns
Patient-centric care resides at the heart of RPM, and patient feedback acts as the guiding compass for program optimization. By actively gathering feedback, healthcare providers gain insights into user experiences, effectiveness, and areas in need of improvement. This ensures that the RPM program remains aligned with patients’ needs and preferences.

Attending to patient concerns transcends mere issue resolution; it serves as a bridge that fortifies trust and engagement. When patients realize their voices are not only heard but also valued, and their concerns are met with proactive measures, it fosters a sense of partnership. This mutual trust plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient compliance and contributing to improved health outcomes.

To seamlessly integrate patient feedback and address concerns, healthcare providers should establish channels for easy feedback submission, engage in active listening, acknowledge and follow up on the feedback, and consistently analyze the gathered information for actionable insights.

RPM Examples and Case Studies

Now let’s turn the attention to real-world examples that showcase the effectiveness of RPM in improving patient outcomes. RPM has been deployed across various healthcare settings, yielding compelling case studies that highlight its effectiveness:

  • Heart Failure Management: An RPM program focused on heart failure patients demonstrated promising results. By remotely monitoring vital signs such as weight, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, healthcare providers were able to detect early warning signs of cardiac diseases. Prompt interventions based on real-time data led to a remarkable reduction in hospital readmissions and improved patient outcomes.
  • Chronic Disease Management: RPM has proven effective in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes. Through continuous monitoring of blood glucose levels, patients can transmit data to healthcare professionals who can provide timely feedback and make necessary adjustments to treatment plans. 
  • Post-Operative Care: RPM has been leveraged successfully in postoperative care. Patients recovering from surgeries, such as joint replacements, can utilize RPM devices to transmit vital signs, pain levels, and mobility data to their providers. This enables early identification of potential complications and facilitates timely interventions.

These examples underscore the potential of RPM in improving patient outcomes, reducing clinical costs, and enhancing the overall quality of care. 

Overcoming Barriers to Remote Patient Monitoring

In the quest to optimize healthcare delivery through RPM, it’s essential to acknowledge and address the hurdles that may arise during its implementation. When implementing RPM systems, our clients commonly face several barriers.

Technological Challenges

Many clients encounter difficulties with the integration of RPM technology into their existing systems. Issues such as compatibility, scalability, and data management often surface.

Solution: To get tailored solutions that are compatible with your existing systems and offer scalable options that can adapt as your needs evolve. 

Patient Adoption and Engagement

Convincing patients to use RPM devices and ensuring continued engagement is often a stumbling block. Patients may be resistant to change or may find the technology intimidating.

Solution: Develop effective patient onboarding strategies to provide ongoing support, alleviate concerns, and enhance engagement.
Staff Training and Adaptation

Healthcare staff might be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the new technology, necessitating comprehensive training programs which can be time-consuming and costly.

Solution: Encourage your staff to participate in the development process when it is possible, ask for feedback and share updates. This will help your staff to stay up-to-date with the new technology and may decrease learning time. 

Financial Constraints

The initial investment required for RPM systems can be substantial. Clients often struggle with budget constraints and figuring out the return on investment.

Solution: Seek outside help and consult with relevant professionals in the RPM field. Also, investing more finances and time into the Discovery Phase may drastically change the skyrocketing cost. Proper discovery helps to focus on the necessary features and get ROI much faster.

Data Security and Compliance

Ensuring that RPM systems are secure and comply with regulations like HIPAA is a significant concern, as the protection of patient data is paramount.

Solution: Each RPM system should be built with security in mind, ensuring compliance with regulations and the safeguarding of patient data.

Connectivity Issues

In some cases, unreliable internet connections can hinder the consistent transmission of data, particularly in rural areas where network coverage may be sparse.

Solution: We help you navigate connectivity issues by providing RPM devices that work effectively in areas with limited internet access.

Learn more about RPM development and partner with us to effectively implement an RPM system that is reliable and secure.


To summarize, we have highlighted several key considerations and best practices for RPM in telehealth care. By implementing remote monitoring programs, healthcare providers can reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient outcomes. 

However, the implementation of RPM systems is not without its challenges. From technological integration to patient engagement, staff training, financial considerations, data security, and connectivity, the barriers can be multifaceted. 

To ensure the successful implementation of RPM, it is crucial for healthcare organizations to collaborate with a reliable technology partner. With our expertise in remote patient monitoring development, we can assist in the seamless integration of remote monitoring technology into existing telehealth services. 

By collaborating with Emppek, you can unlock the full potential of RPM, leading to enhanced patient satisfaction, improved healthcare outcomes, and increased operational efficiency.


What are the potential cost implications of implementing remote patient monitoring?

The potential cost implications of implementing remote patient monitoring (RPM) systems encompass a spectrum of both initial and ongoing expenses. The upfront costs include the acquisition of monitoring devices and equipment, integration with existing healthcare systems, and the training of healthcare professionals to proficiently use the technology. Additionally, there are recurring costs associated with system maintenance, software updates, and patient support services. 

How does remote patient monitoring contribute to improved patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency?

RPM contributes to improved patient outcomes by enabling timely intervention through continuous monitoring, which can lead to better management of chronic diseases and a reduction in hospital readmissions. Moreover, RPM enhances healthcare efficiency by reducing the strain on healthcare facilities, optimizing resource allocation, and allowing healthcare providers to manage a larger patient population effectively and proactively.

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Roman Konstantinov Roman Konstantinov Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Roman is the co-founder of Empeek who brings a breadth of knowledge to build, scale and transform healthcare organizations. He specializes in revitalizing struggling businesses and turning them into profitable enterprises. By emphasizing automation and effectively navigating the transition from startup to a sustainable and scalable model, Roman drives remarkable transformations to ensure long-term success.

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